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I'd hate to think

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That we'd use any of these kiddie fiddling themes as chants against Hearts when we play them. It's all extremely distateful enough as it is without football fans making almost light of it by using it in the terraces.


I hope we're better than that.

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Hearts as a club deserve abuse for this and they'll probably get it. There's not much point in giving their fans abuse about it though. It was their club's responsibility to deal with the situation in a manner befitting one of Scotland's top football clubs and Hearts have failed miserably. It's an absolute disgrace.

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I think it would be a disgrace to make light of grooming a girl online by making a chant about it at a football ground, and I think you know that Zappa.


If you want to do something about protecting children from grooming, do it through the proper channels.


Any fan who condones supporters giving Hearts abuse about this at a football ground is truly shameful.


How is it going to help the victims in any way?

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Has anyone so far said anything about the Bears wanting to sing such chants? IMHO, there might be a minority who will indulge in this cynical banter, but there it will probably stop. It is, as we hear in Aberdeen for years, part and parcel of the game. I doubt it will become part of the Ibrox folklore though, since Hearts are, in general and with no disrespect to them whatsoever, not on the same level an "enemy" as them from the Torbett Towers ...

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If the lad involved was playing then I'm sure we would have heard some chants aimed at him.


That's football and that's life.


It's not as if our own club and players haven't suffered from similar chants despite their innocence (Gough and McGregor to name but two).

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Good to be able to agree with you on something :) Disagree with BJK even. Like the Ibrox disaster etc, it's trivialising something too important for my kind of banter. But football's not too reasonable, and the problem with making some things off limit is that too much goes with it. Doubt anyone will even be that bothered if the boy's not playing.

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Good to be able to agree with you on something :) Disagree with BJK even. Like the Ibrox disaster etc, it's trivialising something too important for my kind of banter. But football's not too reasonable, and the problem with making some things off limit is that too much goes with it. Doubt anyone will even be that bothered if the boy's not playing.




The BJK thing is absolutely cringeworthy IMO. To try and point-score against the Tims we as a fanbase open old wounds for people which to say disappoints me is a gross under-statement.

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I think it would be a disgrace to make light of grooming a girl online by making a chant about it at a football ground, and I think you know that Zappa.


Did you just accuse Barry of not reading things properly or something like that? :D


Read what I wrote again. I don't condone making a chant about it, but I do think Hearts as a club should get it tight for not dealing with the matter in a way befitting an SPL team. The idea of boycotting away games never works, but I think a subtle protest banner of some sort directed at the club would be justified. A member of staff caught stealing from the club would get a P45, but a sex offender doesn't? Fucking shameful!!

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