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5 reasons I loved that season.

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Zappa, Does the end of SDM not rank in your top 5?


I can't call it highlight of the season because I still don't know if the change of owner is going to be good for the club. Maybe in a few years time I'll look back and consider Murray selling to Whyte as a season highlight, but for now I'll reserve my judgement on it because I was never of the train of thought that anything at all was better than Murray. All we can do is hope for the best, hope that Whyte turns out to be good for the club.

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I can't call it highlight of the season because I still don't know if the change of owner is going to be good for the club. Maybe in a few years time I'll look back and consider Murray selling to Whyte as a season highlight, but for now I'll reserve my judgement on it because I was never of the train of thought that anything at all was better than Murray. All we can do is hope for the best, hope that Whyte turns out to be good for the club.


Fair enough Zappa. I accept that sometimes it's better with the devil you know. I was just sick of SDM many many times over.

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Fair enough Zappa. I accept that sometimes it's better with the devil you know. I was just sick of SDM many many times over.


Most fans were sick of SDM mate, but some of them were verging on being lunatics. I remember reading guys saying they'd happily see Rangers in administration and dropping into lower leagues if it meant we could start affresh without Murray. Total loons!

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I would say while I enjoyed the Rangers side of last season immensely, it was the definitely worse ever season I've had on Gersnet and almost put me off football forums for life.


The amount of vitriol directed at an incredibly successful manager and a team doing pretty decently under the circumstances at times made me embarrassed about Rangers fans. The outrageous dig in the OP's post just reminds me of that and makes me cringe all over again.


There was one guy in about March who said he was giving up on the season and not watching any more as we would win nothing. What a twat he looks now. But while he was one of the most extreme, there were plenty like him.


Then there's the abuse myself and others got for arguing on the more positive side - never mind the irony that we totally vindicated and showed a lot more football nous and connection with reality than the self proclaimed "realists".


It seems there are not too many people these days who can support an immensely successful club like Rangers with dignity and humility. Instead many act like a spoiled millionaire's brat, who expects everything to be easy and to be handed to them on a plate exactly the way they want it and they'll have a tantrum if something is not exactly to their taste.


Then there is the similar behaviour, that despite warnings, many think they can act any way they like and get away with it, even if society finds it unacceptable. They'll sing their bigotted crap whenever and wherever they feel like, and damn the consequences to the club - it's all about their "freedom" to do what they want.


It's time for a lot of Rangers fans to grow up and face of dose of reality. Maybe then they will learn to really appreciate the great club they purport to support.


I think it's been one of the worst seasons for decades for Rangers fans but in contrast a great season for the team, the club and a very dignified manager.

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1. Title number 54


2. League Cup Final victory


3. European football after Christmas - a must for a club of our size and ambition


4. The takeover saga coming to an end


5. The emergence of Wylde, Ness and Hutton. We should always be looking at bringing through our own players

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1. Title number 54 (Allowing a great manager to walk away a winner )


2. League Cup Final victory


3. European football after Christmas


4. Craig Whyte finalising Takeover


5. The impact made by Jelavic, Naismith, McGregor and Ness, Hutton and Wylde to a certain degree


Those 5 points have me looking forward to what will hopefully be a successful future

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Calscot I don't feel that me being glad Smith is gone is outrageous. Your happy with him. I’m not.

As for the rest of your post. I Am new here so can't comment on that.

I was banned from Follow Follow after 1 post, after a few emails back and forth I was un-banned. I decided not to use that site.

I have been on Rangers Media (RM) for a few years now I like it but I think it has a very young demographic. I'm old (39) I feel on RM there is a lot of hyperbole and massive swings in opinion. For example after the Kaunas game if you were for Smith in any way you were getting abused slagged and the punctuation police were after you. At the end of the season Smith won the league and if you were against him then you got the same as the aforementioned. I took part in neither.


I accept that I’m in the minority regarding Smith. This has been my first thread on this site I wanted to see what people felt about things and how somebody who is new and holds a minority position would be treated. Very well I may add.

Thanks for the reply.

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Many said that Kris Boyd could never be replaced but I think we will all agree that he has been to the benefit of the team. The same will happen with Walter. He will be replaced and hopefully we will see in Europe that we do not have to give our opponents 90% of the playing field. As I have said before I can understand that against Barca and Manu etc you automatically get pushed back, but against PSV it was just a lack of confidence on the Managers part that kept us on the back foot. Walter picked his tactics to suit other teams instead of letting Rangers dictate the play and for that reason I am also glad he is gone.

I only hope Ally is the right man for the job.

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