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Leggoland: Salmond ignores pleas to act against IRA fest in Alloa

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I remember Newsnight Scotland a few weeks ago discussing the sectarian issue, and asking if there was really a problem with it. After all, statistically we have a much bigger problem in Scotland with racism, but it never makes the headlines.


Because the OF are so big, it's made out that sectarianism is too, but it isn't.

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Knife crime in the West of Scotland is at the stage where the police simply cannot cope, alcohol-related crimes are also in the increase. Sectarian crimes represent 0.1% of all crimes in Scotland and yet this is the bandwagon that wee Eck et al, wish to jump on. I think it says more about them that they would really like us to know.

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I do find it amazing that the forth-coming Sectarianism Bill is limited only to football and the internet.


I'm led to believe Christine Grahame MSP will be the convener of the lead committee of the Bill so given she was a keen defender of al-Megrahi and is extremely anti-monarchy, I doubt she'll be overly concerned about a few republican bands anyway.




There's also the Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs who is Roseanna Cunningham MSP, a former Advocate and experienced solicitor. Salmond previously said the following about a year ago although it may well have changed -


Tackling the parasite of sectarianism is a key responsibility for this Government, one which Roseanna Cunningham will discharge, alongside many others, as Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs, bringing to the role her background as an Advocate and as a former Convener of the Justice Committee.
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Knife crime in the West of Scotland is at the stage where the police simply cannot cope, alcohol-related crimes are also in the increase. Sectarian crimes represent 0.1% of all crimes in Scotland and yet this is the bandwagon that wee Eck et al, wish to jump on. I think it says more about them that they would really like us to know.


In parliament on 26th May Salmond made it clear that tackling sectarianism was one of the 6 key priorities of the new government's 'ambitious agenda'.


He said priorities during the next five year term include:


* Growing the economy

* Tackling sectarianism

* Addressing Scotland's unhealthy relationship with alcohol

* The reform of public services

* Putting a jobs agenda at the heart of the programme for Government

* Internationalisation


Lifted from here - http://www.scotland.gov.uk/News/Releases/2011/05/26110705

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