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NARSA Convention 2013

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I have one lasting memory about San Francisco it was a homeless guy asking my dad for some fries in Mcdonalds my dad gave him the whole box, probably to get him away from us. I was 6 at the time, my bro was 9 and my sister was 12. Not the best start to a tour of SF, Hawaii and LA, plus I wasn't pleased about the earthquake info...

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To be held in San Francisco.

I love that city :grin:


So, big man, back tae the Poofter's Loyal, then? How will this affect your recently taken vow of abstinence? Or is it a case of abstinence makes the heart grow fonder? :-)))

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So, big man, back tae the Poofter's Loyal, then? How will this affect your recently taken vow of abstinence? Or is it a case of abstinence makes the heart grow fonder? :-)))


How does that old song go again?

I left my pint in San Francisco :)

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