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...Should we have held onto Zurab Khinzanishvilli??


I watched the Liverpool v Blackburn game yesterday and he has been doing a good job at Blackburn. I think he was another who wasnt giving a good enough run in the team and would have came good for us.

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No use in if's and buts, he is now doing well with Blackburn and probably wouldn't have come back to play for le Guen anyway. Eck treated him wrong by playing Moore, after slating Moore in the papers and stripping him of the captaincy. That was the end of Zurab and my support for Eck.

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...Should we have held onto Zurab Khinzanishvilli??


I watched the Liverpool v Blackburn game yesterday and he has been doing a good job at Blackburn. I think he was another who wasnt giving a good enough run in the team and would have came good for us.


Took him a heck of a long time to settle, I can remember him scoring two og's last season and giving away two penalties aswell.

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He is a decent player and would have done a job for us if played in the right position, but he's not the player we are desperate for at the moment. We need a big, strong dominant centre half a la Gough, Butcher etc. Someone who will let the forward know they are in a game from 1st minute till last, wont shirk a tackle and will inspire those around him. Celtic have Mcmanus, Hearts have Pressly, maybe not the greatest players in the world, but full of fight, determination and leadership. We have pussies!

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