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Pretty simple:


To the tune from the chorus of Sloop John B by the Beach Boys:


"Because he's a Dick;

Because he's a Dick;

We Hate Neil Lennon, Because he's a Dick"


No "sectarianism" there, just the facts. Pure and simple.

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  andrew_2010 said:
Pretty simple:


To the tune from the chorus of Sloop John B by the Beach Boys:


"Because he's a Dick;

Because he's a Dick;

We Hate Neil Lennon, Because he's a Dick"


No "sectarianism" there, just the facts. Pure and simple.


Why not sing about Rangers being champions?:confused: I don't see why we should be singing songs about Nelly Lemon to be honest.

I love Rangers more than I hate Celtic or Nelly Lemon, and would prefer to sing about Rangers.

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Fair point! And in general I'd agree, but this Neil Lennon thing is going too far and is verging on critical... would perhaps highlight the nonsense that Lennons abuse/assault is religiously aggravated!


P.S. I know we had NOTHING to do with the Tyncastle incident, but try telling the media that!

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  andrew_2010 said:
Fair point! And in general I'd agree, but this Neil Lennon thing is going too far and is verging on critical... would perhaps highlight the nonsense that Lennons abuse/assault is religiously aggravated!


P.S. I know we had NOTHING to do with the Tyncastle incident, but try telling the media that!


Yes but singing we hate him just gives them a full ammunition dump to throw at us. Lets just stick to loving Rangers.:rfc:

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I still think that we will be accused of being sectarian as long as hearts fans, killie fans, all fans of other teams continue to show a dislike towards the man (which is understandable), even if we don't.


It's a horrible situation, and although your approach is the best (and probably the one I'd like to adopt) I still think certain people will try and insinuate things about Rangers fans.


Think of it as an alternative to the song "If you hate neil lennon clap your hands" which some people feel the need to express...

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I would like to think that we will be squeaky clean on Sunday, and i would beg anyone going to bear that in mind.

The whole nation will be watching.

We're going to win - make no mistake - but when we do, every tiny detail will be scrutinised to deflect and take the glory away.

We must keep it perfect - just like the Hearts game. Bouncing but clean.

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  Dutchy said:
I like this song.....




Just a few word changes, and we're made up.


Surely they can't complain because I was listening to Dutch radio and you'll never guess who sung a version of it.


None other than that Big Green Nose himself, Rod Stewart. Lol lol lol


Sorry to burst yer bubble mate...there's nae blue sky the morra - it's tae piss a rain

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