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I hope Admin' can leave this thread on the Rangers Chat side of things, certain aspects of yesterday's election will have an impact on the club we all love.


First, the good news. A fair number of long term Rangers haters have had the electoral boot applied to their collective arses. The generation long comfort zone whereby Labour party apparatchiks in west central Scotland habitually exhibited their support for Irish nationalism, whilst vehemently denying the same principle to their fellow Scots, has been exposed absolutely. Frank McAveety's role in the recent census, encouraging his fellow Yahoos to tick the box for Irish ethnicity has had the effect of him losing his Glasgow Shettleston seat. Michael McMahon MSP also chorused vicTIMhood and he has seen his majority slashed from several thousand to several hundred in Lanarkshire.


Other Yahoos that have bit the dust are Tom McCabe in Hamilton and Larkhall, Pauline McNeill in Glasgow Kelvin, and Charlie Gordon in Glasgow Cathcart. Clearly, there will be chasms of hospitality space available at ra Sellik's next home game. Charlie Gordon is a former Convenor of the Glasgow City Council Labour grouping. He moved to Holyrood several years past, whilst maintaining his position on the Board of Scottish Enterprise(Glasgow). Along with Paul Cooney, Wullie Haughey, Alec Mosson, ...... etc; this particular Board wielded considerable clout in ensuring three streets sold to ra Sellik for a penny, the Commonwealth Games being centred on ra Stydome, and the re-location of a number of Quangos, including Sports Scotland across the London Road from ra Stade de Gadd.


Pauline McNeill is a rabid Yahoo, a protege of both former Glasgow Lord Provost, Alec Mosson and former Hillhead MP, George Galloway. Further, it's good to know, George has fail failed to access Holyrood on the Glasgow list.


Of course, some of the SNP MSPs are cut from the same cloth. Linda Fabiani's victory in East Kilbride provides a platform to someone who is no shrinking violet in the sectarianism debatew. Michael Mathieson MSP for Falkirk West wanted every match official to declare their childhood football alegiance. The worst news is former Deputy Editor of ra Herald, Joan McAlpine has won a seat as part of the south of Scotland list. Pat Kane's former wife hates Rangers with a rare passion, she used to exhibit her Irish national credentials on her websirte, 'Go Lassie, Go'. Her most inspirational hours were not the birth of her children, or marriage, .... etc; nope, she cites her attendance at convicted murderer and terrorist, Bobby Sands funeral.


I believe McAlpine wields huge influence with the SNP leadership, she writes most of Salmond's speeches.

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Your post raises some interesting conundrums which have always bothered me as someone who has not lived in Scotland for over 40 years now. As a life-long Rangers supporter who would I vote for? Is the natural home the Conservative and UNIONIST party? Yet what if I don't believe in rampant free enterprise capitalism? Well, there's the Labour Party, championed by Sir Alex, Govan lad and all, but as you point out it has become infiltrated by Green Nationalists (not Socialists because the Provos et al are anything but socialist, being republicans first and last) and even the UK Labour Party have long ditched Clause 4 as an ideal and got into bed with the market system. So we come to the SNP. I'm proud to be Scottish AND British but there is a school of thought which seems to equate the SNP with republicanism instead of simply being a useful safety valve, an alternative to the other big two. I remember being verbally abused by a fellow Rangers supporter because I dared to express some tentative support for the SNP.


I guess what it boils down to is this:


Is it a mutually exclusive concept to be a Gers supporter and a Socialist?

Is it mutually exclusive to be a Labour supporter and a Unionist?


What would happen if the SNP referendum voted for independence (unlikely I know)? Would we Gers fans still fly the Union flag? Why could we not adopt the St Andrews Cross and flaunt it as a counterweight to those who identify with a foreign nation?


Am I building up a false dichotomy here? I see Keltic as a Scottish AND British club just as Millwall is an English club with Scottish roots.


I'm afraid I cannot write to Marge Proops or Clare Rayner as they are deceased but truly I am confused.

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Thanks for this 26th. I think it should stay in here because this info is important in terms of keeping tabs on the anti-Rangers MSPs pushing the governments' involvement in the whole RC sectarianism agenda.


Tom McCabe is undoubtedly one of the serially offended yahoos, rather than one of the quieter ones. He even set up a working group and campaigned to have lap dancing banned in Scotland. Obviously a bit of adult entertainment goes against the principles of the RC church who's penchant is for an altoghether younger form of entertainment.

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Thanks for that mate. An informed update as always.


Do we have any friends in positions of power these days? Surely we still do. It seems to me that we as a support have rapidly, in the space of a couple of seasons, turned ourselves into the mirror image of the scum by believing that we don't. I'm fucking sick of hearing about it. 26th I know your post is intended to convey satisfaction at the removal of certain sympathisers from their lofty perches but the very fact that you felt it was relevant to highlight these aspects of the election results is surely a symptom of our recent descent into - dare I say it - victimhood. Surely I'm not alone in feeling that yes, the media are tim-weighted these days but I don't want to join in a dissection of the unassailable enemy every time I log onto a football forum.


The club need to stand up for us in the media. Simple as that. We are still the people. I've had enough of the bheggars-are-now-in-positions-of-power shite. It's a couple of discredited journos and a similarly discredited "equality" activist.


Enjoy their pain.


I could have typed this out in response to dozens of posts on here recently, not meant as a dig at you 26th.

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I've had enough of the bheggars-are-now-in-positions-of-power shite. It's a couple of discredited journos and a similarly discredited "equality" activist.


It's not. It stretches far wider than that.


We've seen the favours that have been done to Celtic, with GCC selling them property for �£1. It's no co-incidence that the regeneration of the area around Celtic Park and the award of the Commonwealth games to that area took place. It isn't a couple of discredited journalists that have got the TFS and TBB an arrestable offence while Celtic fans can freely sing about Huns and display banners withthe use of that word. It isn't a discredited activist that got a motorway closed for a religious leader while ensuring that the anniversary of the reformation was ignored.


We do have friends in power and it's up to us to ensure that there's a level playing field to allow them to express their views without being instantly branded a bigot. We're 20 years behind them but it's time we started catching up.

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Is it a mutually exclusive concept to be a Gers supporter and a Socialist?


Definitely not. Not all of the Labour party are Celtic mad. You just need to find the ones that aren't and support them. Perhaps become more active and don't allow the Labour party to be dominated by people who only support the other side.

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Yet they constantly see US as the establishment club, they honestly think the BBC and the media are biased v. them. I agree, though, we need our friends in positions of power - as cotter says - to step forward. And maybe a few celebrity fans would help; offhand I can only think of Graeme Dott. surely there must be more than that?

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It isn't a discredited activist that got a motorway closed for a religious leader while ensuring that the anniversary of the reformation was ignored.


There was a service to mark the Reformation held at St Giles Cathedral. :whistle:

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Yet they constantly see US as the establishment club, they honestly think the BBC and the media are biased v. them. I agree, though, we need our friends in positions of power - as cotter says - to step forward. And maybe a few celebrity fans would help; offhand I can only think of Graeme Dott. surely there must be more than that?


If we get rid of the references to fenians and the pope then hopefully more will step forward.

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