der Berliner 3,885 Posted July 29, 2011 Share Posted July 29, 2011 And here's the link to that story - Rhys Murphy Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craigy1881 79 Posted July 29, 2011 Share Posted July 29, 2011 And here's the link to that story - Rhys Murphy I don't get this move, surely we should be looking to give Kane Hemmings more play time. He looked like a great talent in preseason. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
ian1964 10,780 Posted July 29, 2011 Share Posted July 29, 2011 Le Hongrois est charmÃ?© par lââ?¬â?¢intÃ?©rÃ?ªt des Glasgow Rangers : ââ?¬Å?Je me donne Ã? fond ici, mais aprÃ?¨s 6 ans, il me faut un nouveau dÃ?©fiââ?¬Â Ce soir Ã? 20h30, le nouvel Anderlecht donne le coup dââ?¬â?¢envoi du championnat 2011-2012. Mais dââ?¬â?¢ici Ã? un mois, le Sporting pourrait avoir un tout autre visage. Avec ou sans Lukaku ? Et quid de Jovanovic, Mbokani, Biglia, Suarez ? Un joueur dont on parle moins est Roland Juhasz. En exclusivitÃ?©, il a pourtant dit Ã? la DH : ââ?¬Å?Je me sens prÃ?ªt pour un transfert.ââ?¬Â Pourquoi ce souhait de quitter Anderlecht ? ââ?¬Å?Jââ?¬â?¢entame ma 7e saison Ã? Anderlecht. Je suis prÃ?ªt Ã? jouer dans un nouveau championnat, avec un nouveau dÃ?©fi. Je dois changer dââ?¬â?¢air. Dans le football actuel, des joueurs ne restent que trois ou quatre ans dans un club...ââ?¬Â Ã?Å tes-vous prÃ?ªt Ã? jouer le tout pour le tout comme Vargas, en menaÃ?§ant dââ?¬â?¢utiliser certaines lois ? ââ?¬Å?Non ! Soyons clairs: je refuse tout conflit avec Anderlecht, oÃ?¹ je nââ?¬â?¢ai eu aucun problÃ?¨me pendant six ans. Cââ?¬â?¢est un club trÃ?¨s pro oÃ?¹ il nââ?¬â?¢y a jamais le moindre problÃ?¨me de paiement. Je ne fais pas la guerre dans la presse, non plus. Si une chose ne me plaÃ?®t pas, je vais chez Herman Van Holsbeeck, qui a toujours Ã?©tÃ?© trÃ?¨s correct.ââ?¬Â Les Glasgow Rangers auraient offert 1,5 millions, mais Anderlecht en veut plus ou moins 5. ââ?¬Å?Quand jââ?¬â?¢entends ce quââ?¬â?¢on paie pour des dÃ?©fenseurs, 5 est un peu trop Ã?©levÃ?©. Jââ?¬â?¢estime que je vaux entre 2 et 3 millions. Les Rangers vont peut-Ã?ªtre faire une nouvelle offre, qui sait?ââ?¬Â Y a-t-il dââ?¬â?¢autres clubs intÃ?©ressÃ?©s ? ââ?¬Å?Les Rangers sont les plus concrets. Je suis curieux de savoir si le football britannique est quelque chose pour moi. Ã?â?¡a mââ?¬â?¢intrigue.ââ?¬Â Vous comprenez que ââ?¬â?? vu les tensions au Fan Day ââ?¬â?? Anderlecht ne peut pas se permettre de laisser partir ainsi son patron de la dÃ?©fense. ââ?¬Å?Dââ?¬â?¢accord, mais alors, il y a toujours une explication pour me garder. Quand on est champion, cââ?¬â?¢est pour Ã?ªtre le plus fort possible en Ligue des Champions. Quand on nââ?¬â?¢est pas champion, cââ?¬â?¢est pour redevenir champion lââ?¬â?¢annÃ?©e dââ?¬â?¢aprÃ?¨s. Mon souhait nââ?¬â?¢a rien Ã? voir avec la saison prÃ?©cÃ?©dente. Jââ?¬â?¢ai 28 ans, cââ?¬â?¢est le dernier moment de rÃ?©aliser un grand transfert. Il sââ?¬â?¢agit dââ?¬â?¢un choix sportif et pas financier. Je peux toujours aller au Qatar ou Ã? DubaÃ?¯ par aprÃ?¨s, mais Ã?§a ne mââ?¬â?¢intÃ?©resse pas maintenant. Je suis prÃ?ªt pour un nouveau dÃ?©fi.ââ?¬Â Souhaitez-vous un dÃ?©part maintenant, ou acceptez-vous un transfert en janvier ou juin 2012 ? ââ?¬Å?Si jââ?¬â?¢ai la possibilitÃ?© de partir maintenant et que les clubs sââ?¬â?¢en sortent, je prÃ?©fÃ?¨re maintenant.ââ?¬Â Quel est le pourcentage de chances que vous partirez ? ââ?¬Å?Question trÃ?¨s difficile. Cela dÃ?©pend des clubs. Moi, je me concentre sur le football. Je nââ?¬â?¢ai pas encore eu de proposition de contrat des Rangers, mais ce serait la partie la plus facile.ââ?¬Â Entre-temps, pouvez-vous vous concentrer sur OHL - Anderlecht, par exemple ? ââ?¬Å?Bien sÃ?»r ! MÃ?ªme si je devais jouer en D3 hongroise, je serais motivÃ?© Ã? 100 %. Anderlecht ne doit pas se faire de soucis. Je me donnerai Ã? fond jusquââ?¬â?¢au bout pour ce magnifique club.ââ?¬Â Anybody care to translate this:whistle::grin: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
bmck 117 Posted July 29, 2011 Share Posted July 29, 2011 I'll do it if it hasn't been done by the time I get back Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
ian1964 10,780 Posted July 29, 2011 Share Posted July 29, 2011 I'll do it if it hasn't been done by the time I get back It certainly won't be done by me Barry:devil: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darthter 542 Posted July 29, 2011 Share Posted July 29, 2011 I'll do it if it hasn't been done by the time I get back The Hungarian is delighted by the interest of Glasgow Rangers: "I give myself fully here, but after 6 years, I need a new challenge" Tonight at 20:30, the new Anderlecht gives the start of the 2011 championship - 2012. But within a month, Sporting could have a different face. With or without Lukaku? And what about Jovanovic, Mbokani, Biglia, Suarez? A player is less talked about Roland Juhasz. Exclusive, yet he told the DH: "I feel ready for a transfer." Why this desire to leave Anderlecht? "I begin my seventh season at Anderlecht. I'm ready to play in a new league, with a new challenge. I need a change. In the modern game, players spend only three or four years in a club ... " Are you ready to play all out like Vargas, threatening to use certain laws? "No! Let's be clear: I will not conflict with Anderlecht, where I had no problems for six years. It is a very professional club where there is never any problem of payment. I do not make war in the press, either. If something does not please me, I go to Herman Van Holsbeeck, who has always been very correct. " The Rangers have offered 1.5 million, but Anderlecht wants more or less five. "When I hear this that you pay for defenders, five is too high. I think I'm worth 2 to 3 million. The Rangers will perhaps make a new offer, who knows? " Are there other clubs interested? "Rangers are the most concrete. I'm curious to know if the British football is something for me. It intrigues me. " You understand that - given the tensions Fan Day - Anderlecht can not afford to let his boss and the defense. "Okay, but then there is always an explanation to keep me. When you're champion, is to be as strong as possible in the Champions League. When one is not champion is champion again for the following year. My wish has nothing to do with the previous season. I am 28, the last time to make a large transfer. It's a sportsman and not financial choices. I can always go to Qatar or Dubai afterwards, but I'm not interested now. I'm ready for a new challenge. " Would you like to start one now, or do you accept a transfer in January or June 2012? "If I can leave now and the clubs are doing, I now prefer . ' What is the percentage chance that you will leave? "very difficult question. It depends on the clubs. I'm concentrating on football. I have not had a contract offer from Rangers, but it would be the easy part. " Meanwhile, can you focus on OHL - Anderlecht, for example? "Of course! Even if I had to play in D3 Hungarian, I would be 100% motivated. Anderlecht is not to worry. I give myself fully to the end for this great club. " Anybody care to translate this Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gazza_8 233 Posted July 29, 2011 Share Posted July 29, 2011 SSN reporting that we're interested in the Palermo striker Mariano Pavone. 29 year old from Argentina. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stefanovitch 0 Posted July 29, 2011 Share Posted July 29, 2011 SSN reporting that we're interested in the Palermo striker Mariano Pavone. 29 year old from Argentina. McCoist denies any interest in today press conference. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frankie 8,684 Posted July 29, 2011 Share Posted July 29, 2011 Blackburn apparently interested in Goodie now. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craigy1881 79 Posted July 29, 2011 Share Posted July 29, 2011 If McCoist says we have only made one bid (Goodwillie) I wonder what we are waiting for then, do we have other preferred targets in mind? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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