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Dark forces at work against rangers

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Guest Dutchy

As a socialist I've been dismayed over the last 20-30 years in the way the left has been infultrated by catholics and there almost re-fighting and re-stating of the anti-refromation language that was and is prevelant within the confines of the power seeking RC church. This is the main reason I've become totally atheist, although it's difficultt to seperate sectarnism from constructive criticism, espeacially given my background within the protestant diaspora.


I don't ask people to agree with me, but I would ask people to try and consider the potential of a creeping way forward to religion having a greater say in our society and what a step backwards we would undergo if this were to become reality.


Is it possible that the churches may gain so much power as to decide which elements of scientific discoveries are deemed as being offensive to the word of god for instance. There is much debate within the scientific community about the morallity of the use of stem cells to potentially create cures for major illnesses, most of the detractors of which are religious leaders in one shape or another.


I definitely agree that Ranger FC are being targeted by sinister forces as this is the way religion works, or has certainly worked in the previous centuries. The bigger picture could, potentially be more sinister and I believe we need to take a long hard look at the teachings of religion first, but we could stop signing all these vile sectarian songs and reduce religious zealots from targeting our club.

Edited by Dutchy
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