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The fans are complicit in the Rangers problem too.

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It's been my contention all along that the Rangers support, collectively, have failed to play their part in assuring the good governance of the club. From some distant corner the notion arose that it was the board's job to manage and our job to turn up and be served. This was music to the ears of a corrupt leadership, who were able to faff and fudge without scrutiny or accountability. The current shambles is at least as much our doing as Murray's. I can understand why this isn't a popular proposition but I'm damned if there's a decent case to be made against it.


Which is why, for many years, I've written so vehemently against the stupidity and cowardice of the failed RST, the one organization in a position to exert pressure and scrutiny on Murray's performance. Hiding behind the futile mantra of fan ownership, a fan on the board, the RST has badly failed it's own tiny membership, the wider support, and the very club whose name it carries. My criticism wasn't and isn't personal to individual RST board members but it would have helped if some of the more well-intentioned on the RST board had shown some guts while they were part if it, instead of pontificating and squabbling after leaving. For those still there I can offer only contempt.


Now I see other fans holding moronic banners at Ibrox yesterday, some of them not unconected with the failed RST, challenging the one man prepared to think about stepping in to help the club, while offering the same compliant silence towards David Murray who led us into the mess that now threatens our very existence. The utter, pathetic stupidity of the Rangers support seems to know no limit and offer no hope of better things to come. What the hell is wrong with us? Why is it that those with apparently little or no skill to create or implement worthwhile strategies are the ones who always promote themselves into positions of prominence? And, above all, why has the ordinary Rangers fan become so unwilling to be take personal responsibility for his/her club, become so apparently complicit in the problems besieging us?


Whatever fate awaits Rangers, if we don't change, if we don't start demanding change of ourselves, then there will be no improvement ahead. We must stop defending mediocrity and set our sights much higher ... and not just on fans' websites!

Edited by maineflyer
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You only need look at various sites this morning m they are more interested in " look at me " statements and "we were right about Muir " than about the bigger issue's and the biggest of all , that the charlatan Murray , who lets face it the whole sorry mess revolves around , is going to swan off into the distance with out even a by your leave ...... shameful stuff , but hey it's ok Stephen smith of the RST stated he has a moral responsibility to pay the tax bill ,,,, my good god Murray couldn't even spell moral

Edited by rbr
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I don't doubt the supporters have caused ourselves many of own problems. Good intentions or selfish actions apart, we've all made mistakes and the lack of genuine talent, leadership and innovation throughout our fan-base is somewhat disappointing.


I don't know what the future holds under Craig Whyte but our support have done little to justify any constructive inclusion in his plans.

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Guest Pokeherface

I wouldnt disagree that the support ned to look at what we could and should have done. A couple of questions for you though MF.


1, Was the support at one time more united and purposeful? you say that there was a specific point where it became practice to allow the board to run the club and for the rest to be customers. When was this? being youngish all I know is the Rangers of my lifetime and what I have read. What I have read is basically that things now are as they ever were, with the internet being the only real difference (allowing those that want it a platform of enlightenment)


2, How can the trust have failed the support? They can fail what you yourself call a tiny membership, but if you are not part of it, they dont speak on your behalf and therefore cannot fail you. If you want representation then you cant sit and wait until something comes along that you feel comfortable with. Well, you can, but you could be in for a long long wait. I use 'you' to describe the wider support and I understand well enough that there are some who were in the trust who no longer are. I wouldnt begin to say that they were not people who were let down, clearly they were. I dont know if you fit into that group or not either.

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I wouldnt disagree that the support ned to look at what we could and should have done. A couple of questions for you though MF.


1, Was the support at one time more united and purposeful? you say that there was a specific point where it became practice to allow the board to run the club and for the rest to be customers. When was this? being youngish all I know is the Rangers of my lifetime and what I have read. What I have read is basically that things now are as they ever were, with the internet being the only real difference (allowing those that want it a platform of enlightenment)


2, How can the trust have failed the support? They can fail what you yourself call a tiny membership, but if you are not part of it, they dont speak on your behalf and therefore cannot fail you. If you want representation then you cant sit and wait until something comes along that you feel comfortable with. Well, you can, but you could be in for a long long wait. I use 'you' to describe the wider support and I understand well enough that there are some who were in the trust who no longer are. I wouldnt begin to say that they were not people who were let down, clearly they were. I dont know if you fit into that group or not either.

With respect, I'm no one's teacher and I didn't post for the pleasure of answering a barrow load of questions. I speak only for myself and nothing I've mentioned is based upon secrets or mystery. It's all there for you to see as clearly as I believe I can. The issue is about what you choose to do with what your eyes and ears are telling you. You can close yourself to what's going on and choose to believe there are no problems, or you can do the other thing. If you're content that everything is rosy or that there's nothing to warrant alarm then that's a matter for your own conscience and judgement. As for the RST, let me put it this way, if it had never existed would anything be materially different today and did it aim to deliver change or the status quo - somewhere in there is the answer you're looking for?

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Guest Pokeherface

So the parts where I say I agree with you are ignored? You put a thread up, one I agree with in the main. the first question was me trying to learn more about the club and the second was a perfectly legitamate question.


If you want to post your thoughts and never be questioned, perhaps you would be better suited to a blog than a messageboard? You can clearly articulate your own thoughts very well. You are equally clearly completely incapable of understanding points and questions put back to you. You have misinterpreted entirely what I wrote. Your response bears NO relation to the questions put to you. Get a blog and I will certainly subscribe because you clearly have intelligent thoughts and are capable of getting them down in print. You are not even nearly capable of entering adult debate, though.

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So the parts where I say I agree with you are ignored? You put a thread up, one I agree with in the main. the first question was me trying to learn more about the club and the second was a perfectly legitamate question.


If you want to post your thoughts and never be questioned, perhaps you would be better suited to a blog than a messageboard? You can clearly articulate your own thoughts very well. You are equally clearly completely incapable of understanding points and questions put back to you. You have misinterpreted entirely what I wrote. Your response bears NO relation to the questions put to you. Get a blog and I will certainly subscribe because you clearly have intelligent thoughts and are capable of getting them down in print. You are not even nearly capable of entering adult debate, though.

Then I was right in my assumption that your intent was simply to undermine. I understood your questions as well as you understood I had no intention or interest in responding to them. That my response bore no relation to the questions was obvious and I'm content I made my point well enough. It might lend a little credence to your presence here if you just came out and said what's on your mind instead of dancing around it with this contrived analysis of other people's posts.

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