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Regan secures SFA backing

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Given regan is involved, the whole process will just be easier for Celtic to manipulate. it'll be whatever Lawwell has told him to do.


Meanwhile, Regan refused to comment on Celtic's recent claim that manager Neil Lennon will serve two four-match touchline bans concurrently.


The SFA is embroiled in a legal dispute with the club regarding the governing body's disciplinary rules, with the Hoops basing their case on the rule that a punishment begins 14 days after the offence.


"I'm not able to talk about Neil Lennon or Celtic at the moment," Regan remarked.


"We're in the middle of a live case and we're not able to get into it. There are legal implications on both sides of this particular case."


He added: "Nobody likes to see fallouts. We are all in the game of football and we are all trying to do the best for fans, for clubs, for the media, sponsors, everyone associated with the game.


"It's not healthy when there is falling-out over specific issues relating to how the game is administered.


"I've had discussions with a number of clubs and I've had a lot of personal support for the modernisation programme I'm seeking to put in place with my board colleagues."


I thought that the initial ban had been reduced to 4 games and he is not appealing the second ban so what's the problem?


However if the second ban is taking place concurrently with the first then it isn't a ban.


The SFA under Regan are a farce.

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The Scotsman site published 3 articles to Newsnow at midnight last night. One of them was about McCoist appealing while Celtic are consulting the SFA rule book and this article is no longer available while the other two articles published at exactly the same time are still available. It would look as though they've had to pull the article, so it may well be that the media are being silenced on this and there's a blackout.


It basically stated that Celtic are claiming Lennon's bans MUST run concurrently which would actually mean he only serves a 5 game ban in total. If this were the case, then he would have been given a 6 game ban, appealed and had it reduced to 4, then given another 4 game ban which ended up only being 1, resulting in a total of a 10 game ban ending up only being 5. It would also mean that McCoist effectively serves a longer ban than Lennon for the incident at Celtic Park unless he wins his appeal.

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