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Could be out for upto 3 weeeks with a hamstring inury according to the official website. H e was taken of on Sunday when he felt something snap. He will also miss out on the international games coming up plus he doesnt know if he will make it for the first UEFA cup game.


FFS can things get any worse for us???

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Yep, I think Martin will play on the right side and Adam left - I have thought Martin would be more productibve on the right anyway being right footed.


Time will tell I guess


Martin can kick with both feet and he's pretty good at it too Craigy boy unlike me! :D


I thought Sionko played good on Sunday so that's yet another blow for us.

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Wee Nacho is dying to get back into the team, he'll play for the jersey alright but is he past his best ? Burke and Sionko out injured maybe we should give him a run out. Or..................play Gavin Rae wide right I don't know.

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Martin can kick with both feet and he's pretty good at it too Craigy boy unlike me! :D



Maybe Gavvy boy - but what foot does he hit free kicks with ? Yep, his RIGHT foot.... taking free kicks with a certain foot is usually a good indicator of which foot he prefers. ;):thup:


Me, I can kick with both feet too and am pretty good at it - just a shame it is usually someone's leg I kick.

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Wee Nacho is dying to get back into the team, he'll play for the jersey alright but is he past his best ? Cant imagine someone of his age is PAST his best. Burke and Sionko out injured maybe we should give him a run out. Or..................play Gavin Rae wide right I don't know. Fraser will love you for saying that.


I would still play Martin and Adam

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I remember Novo playing there a few times last season, and to be fair to him, played quite well. But he's been on the sidelines for a long time and im guessing focussing no getting back into the team as a forward/striker.


Pace is about the only good thing i think he could give us if he played on the right, Martin may be the better at crossing the ball though.

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