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Old Firm Response To Summit and Full Summit Statement

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So who is checking the intentions of every new Gersnet member coming through the door? There could be any number of dubious member - even Grandmaster Suck managed to slide under the door.:smile: The only forum I know that attempts to vet new members is Vanguardbears.


Your having a laugh right , just that I didn't see the thread trying to get money from Rangers fans

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Your having a laugh right , just that I didn't see the thread trying to get money from Rangers fans


For some reason his name has dropped off the member list. I did send him a pm asking why he hadn't posted in something like two years but continually logged on to read what we posted. He must have decided, right enough, there wasn't much worth reading. Either that or he reckoned there just wasn't the T-shirt market he required to keep his attention.:D

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For a minute I was worried Frankie was going to start Gersnet get togethers on the internet for the blinding price of a �£5 , �£�£ seems to be selling everything these days , what next bus trips round historic Rangers places of interest , oh wait a minute .........

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Not sure why it's only threats to Celtic that are not allowed.


Probably because of all this concocted tripe about Lennon and co being threatened with letter nukes, combined with the general banter on forums like RM being monitored closely by deluded Celtic fans obssessed with writing letters and emails of complaint about Rangers fans.


What is sectarianism as interpetated by the law? The law is very subective when it comes to this and it's often the context of what is being said. A drunk man aimlessly wandering up the street singing the Sash is OK, but if he was standing outside a chapel doing it then he may get pulled up for sectarianism for example.


This is a big question. The trouble with trying to answer it is that things are being deemed as sectarian and illegal nowadays that would have been laughed out of any court in the land ten to twenty years ago because they basically aren't serious crimes in any shape or form.


I guess the statement is a CYA by RM, and it'd be interesting to see if they intend to follow it up.


Definitely covering themselves.


Are they going to actually change what is allowed and what is not? If they are changing then it's a shame that they are allowing their content to be dictated to by Celtic fans and Salmond.


Nothing much will change I'd have thought. Not initially anyway.

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For some reason his name has dropped off the member list.


I could be wrong, but IIRC he joined while the STS project was being planned and discussed, but didn't contribute. I think forum members who don't post anything after joining are automatically dropped off the member list after a specific period.

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I could be wrong, but IIRC he joined while the STS project was being planned and discussed, but didn't contribute. I think forum members who don't post anything after joining are automatically dropped off the member list after a specific period.


I think he joined long before that.

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