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Old Firm Response To Summit and Full Summit Statement

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Just came across this admin statement on RM -


Due to the Summit of 8 March 2011 involving the SFA, police, Scottish Government and Old Firm representatives; RangersMedia (ââ?¬Å?RMââ?¬Â) has no option but to obey these rules. Please understand our new measures are for the protection of Rangers fans.


For clarification, and for the avoidance of doubt, RM are not liable for any member�s posts and you are personally liable for your comments.

  • No threats to anyone pertinent to Celtic FC, as interpreted by the law
  • Sectarianism will not be allowed, as interpreted by the law



As you are aware, the police will be monitoring RM and it is your responsibility to remain on the correct side of the law.


The moderating team do not have the financial support to moderate every single post due to the size of RM. We receive no assistance from the Scottish Government or any of its public bodies. We have received no official correspondence from any of these public bodies and are left to our own definitions of the Summit�s conclusions.


Any sectarian abuse from Celtic fans on RM will now result in a database being kept of their details (IP address, email address etc) and will be forwarded to the police when we deem necessary. These details will have been attained legally as every person signs up to RM on their own choice. We urge Rangers fans not to sign up to Celtic forums.


Please post responsibly.




RangersMedia team.

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Why do RM make themselves a public forum? The cellic fans are that pathetic they trawl through the forums and pick up on anything that they think is offensive in their said lives, that is why I see most Rangers forums as private. I am not a member but I do browse the site and see what is being said.

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Why do RM make themselves a public forum? The cellic fans are that pathetic they trawl through the forums and pick up on anything that they think is offensive in their said lives, that is why I see most Rangers forums as private..


I don't know mate, but Celtic fans would still troll places like RM and FF even if they were private. You need to register to view the FF forums, but that won't be keeping out Celtic fans. Shit-stirring Celtic fans have been grassing on RM for some of the patter getting posted. Making formal police complaints about sectarianism on an internet forum. Check these screenshots from talkceltic forums out -











Edited by Zappa
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I saw that didn't read it as it was rather boring, if anybody bothered to go through their bile it would just as offensive but they are easily offended but never embarrassed.

Edited by metlika
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I don't read Celtic forums either metlika. I spotted this on RM last week and the case being so recent is interesting because it shows them to be actively waging a campaign against Rangers fans posting on forums. That particular 8-page thread has dozens of people joining in and sending copies and similar complaints to all sorts of authorities. It's a sad sad person who monitors what fans of a rival football team are saying on their forums and then goes off and starts making official complaints to various authorities. This country is getting ruined by these people.

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  • No threats to anyone pertinent to Celtic FC, as interpreted by the law
  • Sectarianism will not be allowed, as interpreted by the law




Not sure why it's only threats to Celtic that are not allowed.


What is sectarianism as interpetated by the law? The law is very subective when it comes to this and it's often the context of what is being said. A drunk man aimlessly wandering up the street singing the Sash is OK, but if he was standing outside a chapel doing it then he may get pulled up for sectarianism for example.


I guess the statement is a CYA by RM, and it'd be interesting to see if they intend to follow it up.


Are they going to actually change what is allowed and what is not? If they are changing then it's a shame that they are allowing their content to be dictated to by Celtic fans and Salmond.

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Why do RM make themselves a public forum? The cellic fans are that pathetic they trawl through the forums and pick up on anything that they think is offensive in their said lives, that is why I see most Rangers forums as private. I am not a member but I do browse the site and see what is being said.


This is a public forum.

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Yeah not quite as much, you can view a thread (a page I think?) and then are told to sign up.


So who is checking the intentions of every new Gersnet member coming through the door? There could be any number of dubious member - even Grandmaster Suck managed to slide under the door.:smile: The only forum I know that attempts to vet new members is Vanguardbears.

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