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Timmy's intimidation tactics finally starting to rub off?

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It's been going on for a while now, blaming refs, appealing decisions on bans, doing stupid banners...we all know what is going on. Even down to the intimidation on certain of our players.


This so called football club have been persistent with these tactics for a while now and it's beginning to bear fruit. I don't hear them complaining on referee's now do you? Infact the whole ineptness of the SFA's system has benefited Sellik. Lemmon should be serving a suspension in the stands yet his appeal process has been allowed to go on for months. In this time he's been able to influence his players in 3 Old firm matches. Of course he was involved in ugly scenes the other night. EHD gets a booking for a confrontation with Lemmon but Lemmon doesn't even get sent to the stand? So the ref bottled it? Or are these tactics Septic have been employing against the whole of Scottish football starting to work? Do the refs feel a little more obliged to 'cut them some slack'?


It's something to think about...


I had a heated discussion with a timmy friend of mine at football training last night. He came in giving me stick as you'd expect,fair enough. He then started saying what a C*** EHD is and how he can't believe we signed him. My response...'we may have a C*** of a bloke playing for us but at least we don't have a C*** of a bloke managing us'.


So maybe that's what it is coming down too, we have to start with the intimidation? We have them next at Ibrox so why the hell not. Do what you can to win right??? Start picking targets, pick out Brown, kayel and all these other so called little w@nkers that reckon they are hard men and just really really wind them up. Along with our crowd, they'll crack.

Don't call it 'The Celtic way' cause it is nothing to do with it. I've played competitive football for years and you do whatever u can to get an edge over your opposition on the pitch. They've been doing it and it's worked but you'd hope we've learned that by now in time for the next Derby?


I really hope so...



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