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The spl and rangers - leggo

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Thought this bit was priceless -


"However, there is little that is logical about the way the Scottish Premier League goes about its business. Take, for instance, one of the quotes in today's story.


The statement says that a bank holiday weekend could be used to play matches on a Friday night and on a Monday.


But police have already voiced their opposition to games taking place on a Friday night. And which Bank Holiday before the April 16 split does the anonymous SPL spokesman have in mind?


Easter does not fall until the long weekend of April 22-25. According to my diary there is no Bank Holiday before the split."



So an anonymous SPL spokesman talks about playing fixtures on a bank holiday which doesn't exist? Comical! Get these idiots out of Scottish football !!!

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An empty February fixture calendar aka a winter break which some of us have been wanting for a long time, would have completely avoid this - and last time.


Starting the season earlier to accommodate this could have prevent a couple of the early CL qualifier exits by the OF too.


We always like to do things the hard/stupid way.

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