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SPL revive plans for television channel 10 years after idea was first mooted

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Whats your thoughts guys, can this work.


I think it's the way forward. Even just the threat of it could force Sky & espn to improve our deal, but I'd rather we had our own channel. The main reason I like the idea is that if it could be done properly and all profits put back into Scottish football it would have the potential to improve the game in Scotland. The danger would be that if not done properly and ultimately successful, it could have the potential to make massive losses.


You'd imagine that the main problem would be the initial setting-up costs, but if that could somehow be overcome then there would surely be a chance for it to succeed. If it were possible to start generating good profits within a couple of years of going live and those profits were put back into the game, you'd have to think that Scottish football could actually start to improve due to the increased revenue.


All in all I think it would be worth a try if planned, organised and run correctly and even if it ends up as a non-starter, like I said maybe the threat would force our current broadcasters into offering us a better deal.

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I think it's the way forward. Even just the threat of it could force Sky & espn to improve our deal, but I'd rather we had our own channel. The main reason I like the idea is that if it could be done properly and all profits put back into Scottish football it would have the potential to improve the game in Scotland. The danger would be that if not done properly and ultimately successful, it could have the potential to make massive losses.


You'd imagine that the main problem would be the initial setting-up costs, but if that could somehow be overcome then there would surely be a chance for it to succeed. If it were possible to start generating good profits within a couple of years of going live and those profits were put back into the game, you'd have to think that Scottish football could actually start to improve due to the increased revenue.


All in all I think it would be worth a try if planned, organised and run correctly and even if it ends up as a non-starter, like I said maybe the threat would force our current broadcasters into offering us a better deal.


I know that the Dutch system expected 750.000 subscribers at this time and they are not getting near that only having 400.000. One of the biggest problems is that you start with no subscribers but the clubs need the money right away. 60 mill was promised to the clubs in the first year. The television makers endemol paid a piece of that but a large piece of it had to be borrowed from? Yes you guessed of course The bank of Scotland. The economy crisis also hit the station hard as it did everyone. There are all sorts of new services being made though with downloading highlights to your I-phone an example. Where the Dutch have an advantage over Scotland is that we have here more digital tv and Internet providers to sell to whereas in Scotland Sky have a stranglehold on digital tv. To be honest i have my doubts if Scotland could get enough subscribers to support their own channel. For many it would be an extra cost as they would want to keep sky for the English football. I would love to see it but I think the product is too weak and Sky have too much of a stranglehold on British tv.

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