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I have avoided all the fuss about this as far as possible. I couldn't care less what they said and pretty much agree with MF's sentiments. Whether it was indiscreet, ill-advised, politically incorrect, whatever; it just doesn't register on my radar of things to give a toss about.


As such, this will be my last post on this thread.

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And it's scientifically proven that men are more athletic and intelligent on average.


Ha ha, I like your style. A few private comments about a female official have turned into justifiable condemnation of half the human race. I applaud the breadth of your integrity (just don't let my wife hear us):devil:

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The fact that this is MALE football. If she wants to be involved in football she should get involved in the irrelevant FEMALE football.


And it's scientifically proven that men are more athletic and intelligent on average.


It's not as if she asked The FA to run the line at the Molineux. The FA felt she was good enough and the were proved 100% correct. She couldn't do any worse than the men who run the line anyway.

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I am presuming that she did such a good job that Celtic will be on the phone trying to tap her up to ref in Scotland :D


I think we're fine on that front. Since the Kirk Broadfood penalty Celtic's sophisticated barometer of ref assessment (did they go to St. Secondary?) has been sunk. They have no idea of the world they now live in, no way to tell establishment from celtic minded.

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Andy Gray has them by the ball anyways, any other guy would be sacked on the spot for this but he's the best pundit on the telly and in no danger of losing his job.



Does this now mean I should reverse everything you say to get what might be correct :P

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Sky are known to be unforgiving after the toonarmy joke of a few years ago so i suppose both should have been more careful. They are also pundits so they really have to be seen as unbiased to make their remarks believable. In saying that it is very harsh to fire someone for one mistake unless they have been warned before.

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