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Caught bonnie when they thought they were off microphone on Saturday. In fact Gray was caught twice.




I dont have a problem with females refereeing etc if they are are capable, why shouldnt they. I dont think they should be playing the same game as men though but refereeing isnt probably a bad thing, players like Rooney wont be as gobby with swearing to females as much.


Their comments arent banter, you could tell by the tone and the comments. Albeit there is a funny side to it, they are entitled to their opinion but not while supposed to be doing a professional job.


They are probably more sorry they got caught rather than what they said.

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Aw come on guys, get a grip. This march of the willingly offended is well out of control on all fronts. Personally, I'd have paid them to put it on TV Outtakes.


Fairly soon, no one will be able to open their mouths without some downtrodden hand wringer reaching for a lawyer. WTF are we turning into in this precious little country?

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Sorry MF, but what Gray and Keys said was unacceptable. What difference does it make that a female was running the line?


What I found strange was Skys view that the female did brilliantly in getting the decision (Liverpools 1st goal) correct. No, it wasn't "brilliant", she was just doing her job.


It's the 21st century after all.


Should also add that I'm struggling to understand the coverage this is getting in the papers and radio.

Edited by Gazza_8
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If Gray and Keys were joking and were having banter with what they said then yes it would have been funny and acceptable but they were out of line and stuck a few decades behind with this as if they were in a Gentlemans club only.


These 2 were being paid at the time, they have a terrific job in getting to discuss football, Gray gets 1.7million per year so should act profesionally. If he wants to go down the pub and say these things then so be it, he's entitled to his opinion but not while supposedly at work.

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Gie's peace! Who gives a monkeys if the dear lady was offended or not. Don't be so pompous, none of you actually give a damn about this and if it wasn't for trying to assert your pc credentials you wouldn't have a view to offer. Lighten up ffs, 21st century or not.

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Gie's peace! Who gives a monkeys if the dear lady was offended or not. Don't be so pompous, none of you actually give a damn about this and if it wasn't for trying to assert your pc credentials you wouldn't have a view to offer. Lighten up ffs, 21st century or not.


There's a whole bunch of people out there who gives a monkeys.


Personally, I dont think Gray and Keys should've said it but like I said, I'm struggling to understand why it's getting the coverage it is. It's non stop on Radio 5!!


Even if they meant it or not, they should know that microphones being kept on and presenters being caught out has happened before. They should've been more careful.

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There's a whole bunch of people out there who gives a monkeys.


Personally, I dont think Gray and Keys should've said it but like I said, I'm struggling to understand why it's getting the coverage it is. It's non stop on Radio 5!!


Even if they meant it or not, they should know that microphones being kept on and presenters being caught out has happened before. They should've been more careful.


Sure, they made a mistake getting caught and should have been more careful and professional. But, let's keep our eyes dry over this, the world is still turning and kids are still starving in this world. Andy Gray making the odd indiscreet comment is light relief by comparison - perspective?

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Sure, they made a mistake getting caught and should have been more careful and professional. But, let's keep our eyes dry over this, the world is still turning and kids are still starving in this world. Andy Gray making the odd indiscreet comment is light relief by comparison - perspective?


It's just a pity the lineswoman isn't eyecandy!! ;)

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