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Pride over Prejudice

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How does everything think this is going?


At the game the "songs" have definitley been reduced. However anyone who gets the subway to the games will know that not much has changed. The morons are still singing this sectarian bile but I'm not sure what the club can do about that.


On my bus home, a wonderful bunch of chaps from the Linwood Loyal preceeded to go every song from the Ulster song book. Never new Linwood was in Belfast, guess you learn something new every day. The most worrying factor was the chants of "BNP":admin: . That shocked me a little but these clowns seem proud of this. I'll never understand the mentality of these guys. Not one song with "Rangers" in it


Overall I think most fans have done the club credit and adhered to the clubs policy on this, but so long as these bigots are going to the games, the problem will never go away

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Unfortunately, there will always be a minority who want to sing such stuff.


I don't mind some of the Ulster songs and people should be able to sing what they want. However, at the moment, we're being dictated to by an inobjective UEFA and inobjective media so rightly or wrongly we'll have to continue to desist from singing one song home and away. The rest of the songs at the game suc as Derry's Walls and the Sash are fine IMO.


So far we're doing a great job of sticking to the acceptable stuff within the stadium, so I'd much prefer to highlight that than the few people who still want to blacken our club's names with irrelevant and often pointless songs.

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