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Financial thread lifted from �£�£ , Bluedell

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The only time Murray ever emerges from his bunker or Chateau is when presonnal critiscism is being flung his way , at the moment everything is peachy in his world , the banks are getting all the stick , the ficticious takeover is keeping the masses amused , and he's sipping on a nice wee Chardonnay , until that changes and a few Rottweiller's get their teeth into him nothing will change


I know what I'd like to see done to death.:grin:

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Perhaps, but it's been done to death on this board for many years and I doubt there's much appetite to continually rub it in when we have more current concerns.


We're all mostly agreed as to his crimes but as he's relegated himself to more of a bit part these days, there's not much need to keep going back to give him another kick or trying to rile everyone else up to join in.


We know what he's done, you're preaching to the converted.


And that is why it has to be taken to the unconverted.

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