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RST Chairman - "Boycott of Lloyds can't be ruled out"

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Don't take it personally BH, at least you said your piece in the end and I think you were rightly given the credit you deserved for doing so. You certainly were by me and others on this site.



It's too late now but the person who spoke out and took on the RST careerists in public could have taken over the RST and gathered the wider support around him .... it's the leadership we always talk about but never find and it will never emerge by playing at committees. Just my view of course but what would I know about such elevated affairs?:whistling:


I can assure you that I really appreciated all the support I received from your good self and many others on this site during what was a very difficult, quite literally sickening time for me.



You may well be correct about that but at the time I thought the best course was to try to form a consensus from within and I did have support from some quarters that you might find surprising. In my judgement the proper place to speak out was at the AGM but as you know I was denied that opportunity..................


What I find particularly shameful is that, with one exception, those who were of the same mind in Aug - Oct, remain on the Board to this day. I believe I was accused of self interest in certain quarters, in my case at least, nothing could be further from the truth.

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What I find particularly shameful is that, with one exception, those who were of the same mind in Aug - Oct, remain on the Board to this day. I believe I was accused of self interest in certain quarters, in my case at least, nothing could be further from the truth.

I find it both hypocritical and pathetic but certainly not surprising. The RST is the symbolic embodiment of the emasculation of the once-proud Rangers support ..... mired in trivia and unable to move much beyond self-interest. The RST should have been shut down in shame long ago but it will shuffle on as long as there are people willing to be flattered by position.

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