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Stairway 13 disaster remembered 22nd December 2010 by Willie Vass

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Surely the memorial plaque could be cleaned up?


I would also have liked to have seen Whittaker looking a bit smarter. If we are using a player to appear in the photos then he should be dressed accordingly.


While the banners over the screens look OK, their presence does nothing other than remind me that we can't afford to get them fixed and are as much a testament to certain people's financial mismanagement as they are to the extremely worthy subject matters on the banners themselves.

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Surely the memorial plaque could be cleaned up?


I would also have liked to have seen Whittaker looking a bit smarter. If we are using a player to appear in the photos then he should be dressed accordingly.


While the banners over the screens look OK, their presence does nothing other than remind me that we can't afford to get them fixed and are as much a testament to certain people's financial mismanagement as they are to the extremely worthy subject matters on the banners themselves.



I agree esp about Whittaker, is it to much to ask to be in a suit and tie?

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Guest Captain Cutlass

Some crackin' photos there Willie.

I particularly like the last one of the statue and stand logo, makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

On another note, do you know if the banners on the screens will be a permanent feature or just for the ne'erday game?

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