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Gers backed by Beattie

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What always cracks me up about fan getting their knickers in a twist over players talking to the press is that they mostly the players are just fulfilling the media commitments of their job. Neither McCulloch nor Beattie go chasing journalists around demanding they print their views. They are merely responding to questioning by Scottish media or club sources for official publications.


Totti, you were told the other day to cut out the personal abuse and profanity. You can make your point perfectly well without stooping to that. Giving you the benefiit of the doubt..... one last time.

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What always cracks me up about fan getting their knickers in a twist over players talking to the press is that they mostly the players are just fulfilling the media commitments of their job. Neither McCulloch nor Beattie go chasing journalists around demanding they print their views. They are merely responding to questioning by Scottish media or club sources for official publications.


Totti, you were told the other day to cut out the personal abuse and profanity. You can make your point perfectly well without stooping to that. Giving you the benefiit of the doubt..... one last time.

Why don't you calm down a bit and let people express themselves without this prefect act. You've used worse profanities yourself.

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