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Bottomfeeders v Killie

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I'm well chuffed. As we know when the shoe is on the other foot, a draw is as bad as a defeat really. There are times when a draw is not a bad result for the Old Firm, but home to killie is not one of those times. Especially when you're playing to reclaim top spot in the league. :spl:


Celtic once again demonstrate there bottle merchant nature.:D


I really am starting to believe it would be shocking if we didn't win this league. Not because it's the worst Celtic team in years. On paper it's no worse than the crap they've served up the past 3 or 4 years. Really it is because in spite of that they seem much more vulnerable to and prone to crap results.


An opportunity to regain some sort of psychological advantage and they bottled it big time. Their top scorer was stretchered off and the return of Scott Brown. Great night for Rangers without even playing. Only disappointment is we were postponed once again and didn't get the opportunity to press home the advantage.




Ps. Ian, do the honours. :D

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Thought Bryson was very good tonight. Is he the same boy who was at Clyde when they cuffed Celtic?


Eremenko and Taouil were instrumental in taking something from that game once they took the lead. Their great close control allowed them to play it out from the back more effectively than at 0-0.


Chattery was crap for Celtic. Would rather he was here for the OF than at the Asian games.


One other point, how many times did the Tims call for handballs for a penalty? Too used to getting their own way? I don't mind people calling for things when they legitmately think they have a case, but not when they clearly know they are at it.


Edit: What a cracking early xmas present! :spl:

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Seems like an apt time to wish the bhoys a very merry Xmas!


I'd also like to say Merry Xmas to any Scottish Celtic fans lurking on the forum - enjoy your turkey bhoys!


Special xmas wishes go out to any Celtic fans in the ROI. We know you love this time of year and your bhoys have really made your Xmas a Special one!




Edited by Zappa
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