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Man Utd v Arsenal

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Shocking decision to give it in the first place pete. Horrible decision.


Neither team, IMO, deserved to win. Bereft of decent play and bereft of decent chances.


Arsenal will forever be "nearly men" so long as they cant win against the likes of Utd, Chelsea, Spurs, Liverpool

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Englands finest serve up a bore fest. Im not sure if these 2 have ambitions of winning the CL but Barca would rip them both a new one.


Man Utd played 9 behind the ball when arsenal had it yet get mass credit for a tactical spot on defensive display, even Wenger gave them credit. Rangers go there and get a CL point playing defensive and Scottish football is the worst league in the world! Sums the arrogance up!


Both sides lacked creativity, Arsenals midfield just couldnt come up with any ideas. Arshavin is getting worse by the game. It wasnt until Walcott came on you thought a break might fall their way. Arsenal just dont have a plan B at all or they would turn these games into wins.


The goal was an ugly one and lucky.


Until Wenger gets a strong keeper and Vermalan back then these away games against the other big clubs will continue. The debut keeper did ok but I was nervy watching him, god knows what the defense was like. The other thing is Arsenal need a powerhouse. All their midfield players are average height and medium build. If they could get a new Vieria it would make a difference.


Its not just Kenny Miller who misses important pens, thats Drogba and Rooney within 48 hours missing worse ones.


Man U are in the driving seat now, if they beat Blackpool in their game in hand they open up a gap, yet they have chelsea away this weekend. I hope and think that will be a better match as Chelsea will compete with Man U.

Edited by Gribz
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