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Here we go again, let's condemn ourselves

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When did we start justifying those with excessively thin skins .... deliberately thin enough to contrive offence at anything that doesn't suit their fatuous agendas. If I called Neil Lenin a muppet, would you expect Jim Henson to take offence at the context? Didn't think so.

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The point is fe_nianism is a movement and not a religion and if you decry it in song how

the Fukk can it be sectarian, or have I missed something.


As I said to Pete, it's all about the context. You'd be unlikely to have a problem with using the word fen!an on it's own, but when you call someone a fen!an bastard, the use of the word takes on new meaning. For example, if someone calls me a bluenose it doesn't come accross as an act of animosity, but if someone calls me a bluenose bastard it's a totally different kettle of fish.

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I'd disagree. I don't think that it has to be accompanied by a profanity (TBB doesn't contain any).


Neil Lennon is a fen!ian/fen!an bastard, and I'd get charged for for religious BOTP (or whatever the relevant charge is) for saying both, even though I am not making any intention of referring to his religion. (I have no idea or interest of his current religious beliefs).


However someone else could call him the same and be referring his his religion.


The current situation in Scotland would not allow any other interpretation other than it is referring to his religion.


And that is presupposing and that has to be challenged, how someone can say what I'm thinking

and then charge me on that basis is surreal.

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I'd disagree. I don't think that it has to be accompanied by a profanity (TBB doesn't contain any).


Wasn't referring to TBB dell. I'm sure you'll agree that there's a big difference in context when a profanity is added to any of these terms.

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If it's about context then why is it Gersnet has masked the word fen1an so that you have to use inventive spelling to post what is a perfectly benign word in its own right. Context .... why don't I believe a word of it? Like most sites, Gersnet has pre-judged context and implemented a ban in full compliance with the anti-Rangers spin-meisters.


Context, don't kid yourself. It's actually somewhere between fear of accusation and a wish to display politically-correct credentials .... the same reason so many people are nervous at the prospect of TBB being sung.

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When did we start justifying those with excessively thin skins .... deliberately thin enough to contrive offence at anything that doesn't suit their fatuous agendas. If I called Neil Lenin a muppet, would you expect Jim Henson to take offence at the context? Didn't think so.



This would be the same Neil Lemmon that was quite clearly caught calling Rangers fans " Orange Bastards " live on tv just before he spat on a Rangers scarf , and the press reaction was the square root of feck all ....... one Scotland as long as it's a **** one

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As I said to Pete, it's all about the context. You'd be unlikely to have a problem with using the word fen!an on it's own, but when you call someone a fen!an bastard, the use of the word takes on new meaning. For example, if someone calls me a bluenose it doesn't come accross as an act of animosity, but if someone calls me a bluenose bastard it's a totally different kettle of fish.


So the issue is with the second part of the phrase; bastard, and not the first; F3NIAN? :fish:

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If it's about context then why is it Gersnet has masked the word fen1an so that you have to use inventive spelling to post what is a perfectly benign word in its own right. Context .... why don't I believe a word of it? Like most sites, Gersnet has pre-judged context and implemented a ban in full compliance with the anti-Rangers spin-meisters. .


A ban in full compliance with law. We also don't allow filesharing or child porn. Of the three only the latter is a law that doesn't protect the pathological interests of faux-persecuted minorities, but we're still the ones legally resposible for what's on the site. Personally I've seen and heard the word used more frequently to refer to Catholics than historical movements, I just think it's ridiculous that you're not allowed to dislike a religion. I think it's perfectly sensible people don't get jip for something they can't choose (IE race, skin colour), but once you've made a choice (religion, politics) you're fair game. Instead of moaning at us for not taking risks with the law because you don't like the law, petition to get the law changed.

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So .... despite the best attempt at shit stirring by the likes of the Sunday Post, it seems TBB hasn't caused the world to end after all. I wonder why?


(I'd just like to celebrate with some gratuitous use of the Fenian word ... Fenian Fenian Fenian)

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