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Quoted in the main Dutch newspaper over the referee strike.


The players in the SPL will hear today if they have a weekend off or the matches will played with Portuguese and Austrian referee's. "Our normal referee's are on strike because some have received death-threats said Celtic defender Glenn Loovens

The Dutchman thought he may have a Dutch referee but the Dutch FA decided as Ierland ,England and Norway did, not to break their Scottish colleagues strike action. It is good of them to support their colleagues and not to take over their whistles. The man with whom all the commotion begun is a catholic religious teacher and he angered Rangers fans by having a Jesus on the cross keyring on his whistle during the away game against Celtic(1-3)


The Dick can't play football and can't tell the truth. Typical tim.




GLASGOW - De spelers in de Schotse Premier League horen vandaag of ze in het weekeinde vrij krijgen �³f hun wedstrijden moeten spelen met Portugese en Oostenrijkse scheidsrechters. ,,Onze gewone scheidsrechters staken, omdat sommigen met de dood zijn bedreigd", zegt Celtic-verdediger Glenn Loovens.



Glenn Loovens

- De Nederlander dacht even dat hij te maken zou krijgen met een landgenoot als arbiter, maar de KNVB besloot gisteren - net als Ierland, Engeland en Noorwegen - de staking van de Schotse collega's niet te breken. ,,Het is wel collegiaal van de Nederlandse scheidsrechters om het fluitje niet over te nemen", aldus Loovens. De man om wie de rel begon, Willie Collum, is overigens een katholieke godsdienstleraar die tot woede van Glasgow Rangers-fans met sleutelhanger van Jezus aan het kruis aan zijn fluitje het veld in ging bij het uitduel tegen Celtic (1-3).

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To be fair Pete the actual quote from him (if you have used the quotation marks in the right place) doesnt have him making any mention of Collum but he only states they are on strike because some have received death threats.

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To be fair Pete the actual quote from him (if you have used the quotation marks in the right place) doesnt have him making any mention of Collum but he only states they are on strike because some have received death threats.


I never heard who said what and indeed the quotes in the Dutch version are also pretty tame but it is funny they ask him for his thoughts and then come up with a fact supporting the Celtic version. Somebody has misinformed them. Although the crucifix part makes a good newspaper article. The guy is a dick anyway.

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