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Lee McCulloch

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McCulloch is vice-captain - and as the most experienced player beside Weiss at that time, he had every right to give him an ear-bending. I would be pretty sure that Weiss wasnt too upset by it and, if he looks back on said incident, will likely see the wisdom in McCulloch's words.

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What the fuck did the useless wanker do himself? Weiss was one of the few players who actually looked competent in an attacking sense. He got the ball and looked dangerous.


Weiss got the ball, took on plenty people and gave us a bit of respectability in a dire attacking display

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What the fuck did the useless wanker do himself? Weiss was one of the few players who actually looked competent in an attacking sense. He got the ball and looked dangerous.


Weiss got the ball, took on plenty people and gave us a bit of respectability in a dire attacking display


Yep, I guess we should have played another youth out there... or better yet perhaps you should have been playing seeing as you know far more about the game than a seasoned veteran who has played at the top level in both Scotland and England and also represented his country on a number of occasions.


Remarkably predictable :rolleyes:

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People were constantly talking about how our old captain Fergie shouldn't be giving his team mates as much abuse as he did, but he actually WAS the captain and he was also a FAR FAR better footballer than his buddy McCulloch.

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People were constantly talking about how our old captain Fergie shouldn't be giving his team mates as much abuse as he did, but he actually WAS the captain and he was also a FAR FAR better footballer than his buddy McCulloch.


Personally I dont have a problem with having leaders on the pitch - too often in the past we havent had that winning mentality.


The only problem I had with BF and his abise that often it really did amount to abuse - constructive criticism yes but snarling in a players face constantly doesnt really help them. Also, often BF abused players when he knew HE was having a poor game. But this isnt really about BF.


McCulloch's footballing ability should have absolutely nothing to do with him having a go at Weiss or any other player. If he is picked to play then the manager believes in him. And if he is wound up enough, and cares enough, to have a go at his team-mates when they dont make the right decision then I have no problem with that.


Of course should he make the wrong decision then one would expect him to also accept any abuse coming his way - and I am sure he would.


I am sure that Weiss didnt take it personally but in the cold light of day would have seen that McCulloch simply cared about getting a result. As did Weiss - they just handle it in different ways.


I dont have too much of an issue with it - it also didnt look to me like he was snarling at him but letting him know in no uncertain terms that he made the wrong choice - which he did at that point in time.

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They're fucking men out there. :D Not kids, or women. Bloody hell, the lads I play 5's with occasionally bollock and berate each other. If you can't take that should you be in the testosterone charge environment of professional sport?


Poor show from totti post 12.

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People were constantly talking about how our old captain Fergie shouldn't be giving his team mates as much abuse as he did, but he actually WAS the captain and he was also a FAR FAR better footballer than his buddy McCulloch.


What has footballing ability got to do with it?

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What has footballing ability got to do with it?


Hypothetically speaking; how would you feel if someone in your company who was part of your team but not your boss in any way, gave you an earful because they considered you to be not doing your job properly, when you knew that they were no better at doing their job than you were at doing yours and you also knew that you hadn't actually been doing a bad job other than the occasional mistake like everyone else including the person giving you the bollocking???

Edited by Zappa
fixing typo
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Hypothetically speaking; how would you feel if someone in your company who was part of your team but not your boss in any way, gave you an earful because they considered you to be not doing your job properly, when you knew that they were no better at doing their job than you were at doing yours and you also you knew that you hadn't actually been doing a bad job other than the occasional mistake like everyone else including the person giving you the bollocking???


I think this is one example where what happens in a normal work place does not equate with professionals in a team game. Also McCulloch is a senior player. It would equate more to a supervisor or another manager who is not your line manager giving you a talking too.

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Someone mentioned this earier that Weiss was doing the wrong thing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just as easily as taking the piss out of Giggs et al he could just as easily have given it away inside his own half and caused our defence problems.


And you can be assured that had we lost a goal because of it, or even just a decent chance, the majority of us would have been berating Weiss for doing what he did.


Further, had McCulloch provided that bollocking to, say, Miller or Lafferty instead of Weiss, I suspect that this would effectively be a non-issue.

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