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Lee McCulloch

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Is it just me or is Lee McCulloch acting like he's the captain these days? Ok, so he's got more experience than some of our younger players, but does that give him the right to dish out abuse to other players? Sure I seen him giving Weiss a right earful last night after the young lad had just taken the piss out of a few Manure players then won us a free kick.

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Is it just me or is Lee McCulloch acting like he's the captain these days? Ok, so he's got more experience than some of our younger players, but does that give him the right to dish out abuse to other players? Sure I seen him giving Weiss a right earful last night after the young lad had just taken the piss out of a few Manure players then won us a free kick.


I think Walter agreed with McCulloch as he was quickly subbed after that.


I agree with Gazza. Nothing wrong in having influential players and he talked Hutton through the game and helped him settle down after his shaky start.

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Nothing wrong with having a few leaders on the pitch and imo its something we've missed for a while. I think Weir's influence is there for all to see and while we're relying on some younger players, its good to have a few more experienced guys in the team.


What's worrying is that his form seems to have dipped right off the scale after a very promising start to the season.


I think Weiss was hooked because he was knackered and had been suffering cramp. There was no end product from him often, but that's the sort of player he is.

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Is it just me or is Lee McCulloch acting like he's the captain these days? Ok, so he's got more experience than some of our younger players, but does that give him the right to dish out abuse to other players? Sure I seen him giving Weiss a right earful last night after the young lad had just taken the piss out of a few Manure players then won us a free kick.


Come on. You could see why he gave the bollocking. While Weiss' run was entertaining while it worked, he was going nowhere, doing nothing constructive and had ample opportunities to lay off the ball but chose to risk losing possession in his own half. Instead he was showing off but he almost lost the ball which could easily have led to a sweeping attack that lost us the game.


He was being naive late in the game when we were heading for a good result. I enjoyed watching it but can understand the pragmatic bollocking - I wouldn't have been happy with him had he lost the ball and Man U went on to score.

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Nothing the matter with having a few influential players on the pitch.


I can't argue with that at all & as BD mentioned he was helping young Hutton, but I don't think an earful from Jig is what Weiss needs. Weiss is a better football player than McCulloch but he's still young and I think he just needs more experience combined with the right coaching from the coaching staff.


Overall, Weiss showed some real class against ManU and if some of our other players had given him a little more support and made themselves available in the right places Weiss would lay it off quicker and play some one-twos with them etc. For most of the game we didn't play particularly well in possession and when the likes of Weiss got on the ball he generally didn't have great options & was faced with basically holding onto the ball no matter what until someone gave him the right option.


If I considered Lee McCulloch to be a top quality player I wouldn't have an issue with him giving other guys in the team an ear-bending, but I don't.

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If I considered Lee McCulloch to be a top quality player I wouldn't have an issue with him giving other guys in the team an ear-bending, but I don't.


So Davie Weir can't give players that are better than him an ear-bending?


Footballing ability shouldn't have anything to do with captaining ability. McCulloch is quite right to pass on his experience to younger players. If Walter disagreed then he'd be soon telling Jig about it. Tellingly it was Weiss that was hooked.

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So Davie Weir can't give players that are better than him an ear-bending?


Footballing ability shouldn't have anything to do with captaining ability.


Davie Weir is the captain though BD.


McCulloch is quite right to pass on his experience to younger players. If Walter disagreed then he'd be soon telling Jig about it. Tellingly it was Weiss that was hooked.


There's a difference between passing on your experience and giving them a bollocking. I didn't think Weiss deserved a bollocking, but McCulloch obviously did.


As for Weiss being hooked, we don't know that he was subbed for the same reason Jig was giving him an earful.

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