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Official Club Statement

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Tues 23 Nov 2010


Official Club Statement


RANGERS Football Club today issued a stark warning to supporters not to engage in any sectarian singing at tomorrow's UEFA Champions League match against Manchester United at Ibrox and at future club fixtures.


The Light Blues have been informed by a number of sources that sectarian behaviour will put the club at serious risk of punishment from UEFA and other footballing authorities.


This includes the singing of songs such as the Billy Boys which is banned by UEFA.


Strathcyde Police has also informed the club it plans to take a zero tolerance approach to sectarian behaviour.


Rangers chief executive Martin Bain said: "The majority of our supporters agree that sectarian singing has no place at Rangers and, working together, the fans and the club have made great strides in recent years to address this behaviour.


"Indeed, a number of fans themselves have raised the issue of sectarian singing recently and the club made an appeal at our AGM for it to stop, which was overwhelmingly backed by those present.


"Unfortunately, there are still those who ignore the club and their fellow fans, with no regard for the consequences of their actions.


"We are making it very clear to supporters we have reliable information that if sectarian singing is evident at our matches, it will put the club at serious risk of punishment and also puts supporters at risk of arrest.


"Our position as a club is that we condemn all forms of sectarian behaviour and we are united with our supporters groups in trying to eradicate it.


"Fans who engage in such behaviour only let themselves, other supporters and the club down."


Robin Howe, Chief Superintendent of Strathclyde Police and the Ibrox Match Commander, said: "Sectarian or racist behaviour is a criminal offence and those who persist in such behaviour risk arrest.


"We want all fans to enjoy tomorrow night's match and take on board the information that is being given to them."


Andy Kerr, President of the Rangers Supporters Assembly, said: "Many Rangers fans are concerned at the increase in sectarian singing among a section of our support and we are determined to work together to increase our self-policing activities.


"There is only so much the club can do - it's up to us as fans to get our house in order."



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It wouldn't be half as 'sectarian' if the club and certain elements in the support didn't keep on acknowledging this dubious definition. And please ... don't anyone waste time rolling out the much-massaged position allegedly adopted by UEFA in the past.

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It wouldn't be half as 'sectarian' if the club and certain elements in the support didn't keep on acknowledging this dubious definition. And please ... don't anyone waste time rolling out the much-massaged position allehedly adopted by UEFA in the past.

Have to agree.


Feck, do they even know what 'sectarian' even means?


I'm actually quite suspicious about how this has come about.

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Have to agree.


Feck, do they even know what 'sectarian' even means?


I'm actually quite suspicious about how this has come about.


You and me both. Talk about taking the heat off celtic's embarrassment, with every media outlet rushing to feature Rangers and sectarianism in the same sentence. Thanks Martin Bain, you fukking muppet.

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If you remember guys, there was a statement rolled out before the Valencia game as well. The timing of this one is unfortunate, but my guess is that the club have decided to roll out these statements before the CL games to cover the club's back and nothing more. That way if the bheasts go whinging to UEFA with their letter writing etc the club can turn round and say, "look big bad UEFA, we've been releasing statements, here's the proof, we're doing everything we can".


Is that not a reasonable assumption??

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There's 2 issues.


One is the club claiming that TBB is banned, and the second that it is sectarian. The first may or may not be true but they would get a lot more support if they didn't keep repeating the second.


Sadly Andy Kerr seems to support the misguided view view in respect of it being sectarian.

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