ian1964 10,831 Posted October 9, 2010 Share Posted October 9, 2010 Saturday, 9 October 2010 JOSEF GOEBBELS was the evil genius who was Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Minister during Nazi Germany's tyrannical genocide . He was a thoroughly disgusting, odious and evil man. But he was, in the dark arts of spin doctoring, most certainly a genius. The Goebbels technique was simple. He believed that if you told the biggest lie possible, and told it often enough, people would believe it. It is a technique of spin doctoring which is still alive and well to this day, and many believe it was one of the reasons the now totally discredited New Labour government held on to power for so long. But Goebbels, and the less evil, but nevertheless still odious pratctioners of the dark art - Damian McBride, Jo Moore, Charlie Wheelan and Alistair Campbell among them - have a new recruit to their ranks. He is called Anonymous. Now, regular readers will know I always refrain from repsonding to comments, as many of them, which appear to come from a small but dedicated group of folk with little regard to the truth or facts, are not worth bothering about. So too are the many equally inaccurate jibes about me on a personal level. Even those who approve of my writing style will never sing, there's only one David Leggat, for there are quite obviously a lot more folk named David Leggat. There also appears, to my trained eye, to be some sort of concerted campaign by the enemies of truth and reasonable free speech, to try and goad me into making some sort of outrageous statement. It's almost as though there is one "mind" behind it, orchestrating and directing. Maybe even script writing too. But sorry, whoever you are, your attempts will win no Oscar. Not even a Tony. However, I do wish to turn to the comments posted at the end of my blog JELAVIC'S INJURY, which went up on the LeggoLand site on Wednesday, 6th October. In it, I mentioned the removal of a film clip of Ian Black's tackle on Jelavic from YouTube by the SPL, and added that this is the same SPL which has ordered Rangers to play five away matches following the six of their Champions League ties. I asked if a pattern could be detected? Enter Anonymous, posting a comment on October 6 at 16.48, which followed the Goebbells technique and attempted to tell the big lie, while at the same time seeking to justify the lie by trying to smear my journalistic integrity and ability. According to this particular Anonymous: "The SPL fixture list is computer generated at random, and is drawn up months before the Champions League draw is made. A little thought about facts may have made you come across as a slightly credible journalist instead of being small minded and lacking in journalistic training." OUCH! Well, no, actually. This big lie is easily shot down by showing both my credibility as a journalist of 44 years experience, plus my journalistic training. You see, the official UEFA webite first revealed the schedule of dates on which Champions League matches would be played during season 2010-11, on Monday, APRIL, 19, 2010. The schedule of Scottish Premier League fixtures for season 2010-11 was published on JUNE, 17th, 2010. Good! I'm glad we've cleared that up and shown the big lie to be just what it is. A WHOPPER! And as for the claim the SPL fixtures are completely computer generated at random.... That is so very stupid that anyone who makes such a claim needs the truth explained to him very slowly indeed. Computers do nothing by themselves. They have to be programmed and given human direction. There is nothing random about a computer. It takes human instruction. How, for instance, when the SPL decided to have the Old Firm match played over the New Year period, did the computer generate that? All by itself, and at random? PRECISELY! I refer all of the above to another, who I suspect may belong to the same circus as Anonymous and the man who will never win an Oscar. Or a Tony! This guy - or is it a gal? - calls themselves Daytripper. Daytripper's comment was that I seemed to struggle with the facts. No, just in explaining them in such a way that even the lowest common denominator will be able to understand. A thankless task, and one I freely admit is often beyond me. But then again, just what is it Daytripper is tripping on? And so let us return to the original point made in JELAVIC'S INJURY, the one I made about BBC seeming reluctant to show it over, and over, and over, again, and again and again, and that the SPL had had it removed from YouTube. Another Anonymous - they're a big clan - commented on 6th October, at 14.08, that anyone with a computer could find a clip of it. I am indeed indebted to him, for it led to me sound the bugle call for reinforcements, in the shape of a young and much more computer literate pal. He found it on the link k21swj.gif I watched it over and over and over, and again, and again and again. You should too. See what you think. Just don't tell Anonymous. Or he'll reach for his Goebbels manual and try to make you believe another big lie. Anyway, we all know what happened to the evil and odious Nazi Minister for Propoganda. Don't we? http://davidleggat-leggoland.blogspot.com/2010/10/goebbells-or-anonymous.html 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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