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There seems to be a colony of them in sheepland

Guest PTB

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Going on from the Diamond furore heres comments attributed to Hartley when he was at Millwall and answered some questions in their fanzine


Q: If you were a pigeon who would you shit on?

A: The Glasgow Rangers Team

Q: Why?

A: Orange Bastards.



Its probably just 'the craic' though.

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So their captain, their vice captain and several of their players are celtic loving, Rangers hating bigots?



Why on earth would any sane person buy a season ticket for Pittodrie?



They are being sold short by many of their players whose loyalty clearly lies elsewhere.

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They are being sold short by many of their players whose loyalty clearly lies elsewhere.


Au contraire mate...


Their fans are more concerned with beating Rangers more than anything else so they'll be unconcerned about the loyalties of their players - especially if they prove they hate us bears as much as them.


And people wonder why Scottish football is struggling generally.

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Au contraire mate...


Their fans are more concerned with beating Rangers more than anything else so they'll be unconcerned about the loyalties of their players - especially if they prove they hate us bears as much as them.


And people wonder why Scottish football is struggling generally.



I was being slightly tongue in cheek there

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So their captain, their vice captain and several of their players are celtic loving, Rangers hating bigots?



Why on earth would any sane person buy a season ticket for Pittodrie?



They are being sold short by many of their players whose loyalty clearly lies elsewhere.


Because they're fans are so ant-Rangers these sort of statements on Facebook etc will be welcomed with open arms by the sheep fans.

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