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Recent article about irresponsible journalism

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Since the whining but highly mobilized filth raised enough ruckus to have VB banned from Newsnow I thought it was worth sharing this topical article.......




Responsible Journalism - What is that you may say?

Written by Pro Patria, Vanguardbears

Thursday, 07 October 2010



Well I would call it reporting facts and stating them in print so that there is no ambiguity or confusion. That the reader can immediately see for themselves what the story is about and the outcome or end result of said story based on the facts.


Sadly the phrase ââ?¬Å?Responsible Journalismââ?¬Â cannot be applied to that many Media Outlets.


The media outlet I am referring to is the Aberdeen Press and Journal who have again shown themselves to be of integrity, professionalism and worthy of the accolade ââ?¬Å?Responsible Journalistsââ?¬Â.


You are now asking yourself where is this coming from and where is it leading and the answer is simple. Well as most of you will know by now certain Aberdeen Footballers namely Michael Paton and Zander Diamond thought it would be hilarious to engage in anti Protestant bigotry on their facebook websites. Indulging in such eloquent phrases as FTQ and wanting to run over Protestants with the Popemobile.


Not the brightest are these two when their comments were in the public domain for all to see.

However I digress from the main topic which is the reporting of their actions.


This newspaper saw fit to run with the story and describe it as it asââ?¬Â¦ ââ?¬Å?Dons stars under fire over ââ?¬Ë?sectarianââ?¬â?¢ internet postsââ?¬Â. (Pair left facebook comments insulting Protestants on day of popeââ?¬â?¢s visit)


This is the same Press and Journal who were not afraid of the West of Scotland influence when breaking the story about John Hartson and Stephen Pearson singing in the now infamous ââ?¬Å?Iraokeââ?¬Â video taken at an Official Celtic FC Function over in the Republic of Ireland.


So why is it that this very simple story has been twisted slightly to give the West of Scotland readers a vaguer take on proceedings?


The Scottish Sun headline reads: ââ?¬Å?Dons Pair Rapped on Pope Jibesââ?¬Â.


And the article then starts off with this very odd choice of phrase:-* "TWO Aberdeen stars have been carpeted after posting vile comments about the Pope on the internet".


Was the Pope the focus of their bigotry?

Was the Pope the recipient of their Sectarianism?

No he wasn�t�.the Queen and the Protestants in Scotland were the targets of their bile.


So the question you have to ask the Sun is why do they go with such a misleading headline and why do they not have the headline ââ?¬Å?Dons Pair Rapped on Anti Protestant Jibesââ?¬Â (or something similar).


Are they trying to get the subliminal message across to the casual reader who may glance at the headline and think ââ?¬Å?Oh here we go another anti catholic or anti Pope jibeââ?¬Â


We then move on to the Daily Record headline which unsurprisingly states:- "Aberdeen stars Zander Diamond & Michael Paton in hot water over offensive Facebook remarks during Pope's visit to Scotland".


Again this leads us to think that the Pope is the focal point and probable target of their abuse.

One story but 3 very different slants put on it.


Two from the West of Scotland and from organisations with previous and one from Aberdeen who have the moral fibre to call it as it is.


So how can the Sun and the Record use the Pope in their headline when the comments were directed towards the Queen and Protestants?


Why can the Press and Journal use the factually correct headline but these two cannot?


Questions, questions but sadly few answers.


Suffice to say that the organisations in question are not daft and they know that they have no choice but to print this story. Sadly they deliberately play with the the title to give it a softer and more misleading angle. It is shameful but utterly predictable behaviour from two organisations who are no friends of the Rangers or the Protestant religion.


Well done the Press and Journal for yet again showing up the clear bias that exists in the West of Scotland media.

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What's this about.



'Since the whining but highly mobilized filth raised enough ruckus to have VB banned from Newsnow'.




Never heard this before.



I was about to ask that - some of the timmy sites on newsnow are shocking

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Apparently Newsnow received enough complaints to have the VB site removed...


But Celtic sites obviously don't get the same attention from us despite worse examples of offensiveness.



I know what i'm going to be doing for the next 3 hrs before I hit the pub then :flipa:

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Apparently Newsnow received enough complaints to have the VB site removed...


But Celtic sites obviously don't get the same attention from us despite worse examples of offensiveness.


By way of clarification ... I saw the VB articles that attracted a flood of complaints from the MOPES and I would describe them more accurately as critical rather than offensive. I think we all know that where sellick and their catholic/oirish sponsors are concerned, offensiveness is to be defined exclusively by them alone.


They complained so vociferously about VB simply because VB was so effective at projecting the truth into their nest of lies.

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Just wanted to share another article from VB which I thought captured the truth of the situation .....



"Paul Le Guen, formerly of Rangers but not considered "Rangers' minded" by the more confused denizens of Ibrox could take over at the significantly greener Hibernian"


I would imagine than this quote from Today�s Guardian newspaper would not register with many of us as the worst attack on our club or support from the media. Annoyed as I was that was also my initial reaction.


But then I got to thinking about it as I ruminated it over and over in my mind.


There is an inference from the author of that piece which is evident to all of us. But I very much doubt that little ditty was put together for the benefit of Bears. Which made me realise that it was for the benefit of others who would pick up on what is ââ?¬Å?written between the linesââ?¬Â


And then it dawned on me. The author didnââ?¬â?¢t need to elaborate or expand on what he had written. The audience had already been primed ....or if this was a field ââ?¬â?? it had already been cultivated...Rangers are a bigoted club and this little ditty only served to re-enforce the message.


Of course its lies. But as David Leggat has highlighted lately...no matter how big the lie if it is repeated often enough.....Cue the Goebbels doctrine.


Which caused me to further reflect on the extent of the fields which have been cultivated.


Now within our support area number of people who dismiss the power of the media...and even our chairman seems to have dismissed their power as irrelevant. Anger over press comments are dismissed as ââ?¬Å?paranoiaââ?¬Â or ââ?¬Å?overreactionââ?¬Â. As I have done previously I would ask these people again if the media is so inconsequential why do our political parties constantly court their favour....why does every large organisation employ media officers...in short why are they so concerned with how they are portrayed in the media if it is so inconsequential ?


But the problems we face go way beyond the football field.


Let�s take our country for a moment. Our first Minister is happy to chide the Tory party that they have no mandate to govern in Scotland due to their singular representative at Holyrood. Yet two thirds of our own country voted for political parties committed to the Union.

So what kind of representation do we have in ââ?¬Å?our parliamentââ?¬Â ? Well when the Queen officially opened it 48 of the 129 MSPââ?¬â?¢s boycotted the opening due to Her Majestyââ?¬â?¢s presence. 37% of MSPââ?¬â?¢s would appear to be republican in their beliefs. But of greater concern is the Sunday Herald poll of several years ago where 91%....yes 91% ( its not a typo error)...stated that the Catholic Church had an unhealthy influence in Holyrood. This is a church which represents only 16% of our countryââ?¬â?¢s population.


The fields have been cultivated.


There are those within our country who would refute our right to be both British and Scottish. For them its either or. They don�t necessarily need to be republican in nature, though often they are, anti-English xenophobia is a common trait. Bill Leckie, so often a critic of the Rangers support, is particularly venomous with his anti-English sentiment via his sports section. In our own country there is a misconception that hatred of the English is different from the racism or bigotry which the Scottish media love to throw as an accusation. There is none so blind as those who cannot see.


The fields have been cultivated.


Only the week before last someone had the ââ?¬Å?temerityââ?¬Â to criticise the Tartan Army for booing the Lichenstein National Anthem. The excuse offered was that it was the same tune as God Save the Queen. Apparently that excuse served as some kind of justification.


The fields have been cultivated.


Rangers Football Club parade the Union Jack at the start of every game. Our fans carry that symbol as a badge of honour. Club and supporters group break world records with card displays honouring that flag and all it stands for. Our Afghan heroes are paraded at Ibrox to standing ovations. We impeccably observe minute silences in the memory of Britain�s fallen. What does it merit from our press...?


ââ?¬Å?Ibrox resembled a Nuremeberg Rallyââ?¬Â


The fields have been cultivated.


There is a book which suggests ââ?¬Å?As you sow, so shall you reapââ?¬Â.


Perhaps its time we turned our attention to those cultivated fields and to just what we were sowing

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