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RST AGM - Secretary's statement

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Guest blackstoneisland

I'm reading threads on here tonight (just joined) also just joined FF. Not good but I'm not sure who to believe yet, a board of people or one person or maybe the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

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What a joke and embarrassment that dirty laundry is aired in public.


I have to wonder what hasn't been let of the bag yet!


i have to agree. couldn't believe i was reading half of it! severe lack of professionalism on the RSTs part.

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Read all about it !!!!!!!!



The Board of the Rangers Supporters Trust deplores the cynical, inaccurate and grossly exaggerated claims made on internet forums by former Secretary Alan Harris.


The claims relate to monies totalling �£2690 which had been due to the RST for an extended period of time after being pledged by a Board member (Mark Dingwall). The background to this is that Mr. Dingwall had committed to underwrite the selling of tables and some other incidental items at two Rangers-related dinners for good causes in 2008. Mr. Dingwall was unable to sell the seats immediately and as the RST had organised the events, he was therefore deemed liable for the outstanding monies. Due to business pressures, Mr. Dingwall was unable to repay the balance immediately and two cheques were returned from the bank. All of the outstanding money was subsequently paid by Mr. Dingwall and the account is settled.


The Trust board then commissioned independent legal advice to probe Mr Harris's claims, and Mark Dingwall and Trust Chair Stephen Smith voluntarily withdrew from Board duties in order to facilitate an independent investigation. While Mr Dingwall was cleared of the allegation of making any financial gain, legal advice stated that the issue should have been highlighted sooner as, while monies were overdue, it could reasonably be deemed to be a conflict of interest. The legal advice concluded that it would be "unreasonable" to ask Mr Dingwall to resign in this instance and the Board agreed that he acted in good faith from the outset and far from profiting he was in fact ultimately, personally out of pocket.


The Trust Board accepts the legal advice in full and has already put in place a series of improvements in its financial management procedures which will enable the RST to move forward with more robust controls, visibility and reporting.


Recent internet posts from Mr Harris claiming to quote from the Auditors Report (which exists for the purpose of advising the Trust's Board) are factually inaccurate.


None of these quotes were included in the report - in fact these quotes substantially reflect or derive from draft amendments which Mr. Harris himself sought to have included in the Auditors report, in order to reflect his own opinions and further his own goals.


These amendments were rejected by the Auditors and Board following receipt of the legal advice. The Auditor fully signed-off the RST's accounts on an unqualified basis and the Board accepted the Report, implementing more robust financial procedures in the process.


The Trust Board is deeply disappointed at a deliberate and premeditated breach of confidentiality. We do not accept that this is either whistleblowing or in any way justifiable behaviour. Mr Harris has stated his opinions without context on a public message-board, instead of raising these questions at the Trust's Annual General Meeting on 19 September - a meeting he elected to walk out of after only 15 minutes rather than wait for the 'open-floor' section of the meeting when the Chair had already indicated to Mr Harris he could express his opinions.


The RST Board will now consider the actions necessary, including disciplinary action, to take the Trust forward.

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Their statement completely mixes up "Auditors report" with "Management letter". They mean the latter but they say the former; they can't even get their statement right all these days later. I wonder whether, in writing this statement, they received the same quality of legal advice to which their statement refers. :sigh:


Also, their own statement damns the accounts - "Mr. Dingwall was unable to sell the seats immediately and as the RST had organised the events, he was therefore deemed liable for the outstanding monies" - this should have been disclosed in the 2009 and 2010 accounts, end of. What on earth were the auditors thinking about, assuming they knew about the transactions in the first place?

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Move along, nothing to see hear.


They say white, we say black, the facts are fudged beyond understanding or relevance. And the Trust is free to go on being utterly ineffective and the exclusive preserve of the same old clique. What a bunch of bastards (with apologies in advance to Pete for this upsetting language and what might even be aggression):wanker:

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Even if legal advice says it would be "unreasonable" for MD to resign - the practicality is that this whole sorry episode makes his position untenable.


The fact that they have to excuse the delayed-payment because of his other business interests is unpalatable - he was liable, simples. If he didnt have the cash he shouldnt have underwritten the tables.


And suggesting Alan Harris was "furthering his own goals" is incredulous. The guy is an IFA and needs to abide by FSA rules - he was being asked to sign off on accounts which were, regardless of the piss and wind coming from the RST, inaccurate - these transactions, at the very least, should have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.


Of course the Board accept the legal advice - it is in keeping with what they want to portray.


Further, as the statement that Alan Harris wanted to make related to the financial statements he should NOT have been forced to wait for the "open-floor" part of the meeting. FFS, the guy was being asked to sign off on financial statements that he deemed he could not professionally do - just when was he supposed to tell those present that he wasnt signing them ?? Oh wait, he was supposed to sign financials that he didnt agree with and then make his statement later - at which point his credibility would be even further diminished - he would have signed off on the financials and the AFTER that would have stated he didnt believe the financials.... makes not one jot of sense.


Deflect and deny - the new mantra of the RST ? As rbr says.... always everyone else's fault.


Shame I bought a life membership - the RST, more so than Alan Harris, lacks credibility these days - does it have any left ?

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