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The financial affairs of the RST

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Looks to me more like HHB is taking a pounding over there.... not that he is giving the lashings out.


EDIT : Have to say though, HHB does seem to be acting with much dignity in the face of some harsh words from the natives.

Edited by craig
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I don't think the Trust statement says anything new to what we've all debated in recent days, other than finally give their official opinion.


Mr Harris' intentions may well be in question but the fact remains the accounting polices and lack of respect for their finances has resulted in this farce. Couple this with other objectionable behaviour then the organisation is nothing more than a laughing stock.


I've just had a quick look around the Trust website. The aim is something I still believe strongly in and it hurts me strongly that a few people are intent in ensuring this worthy ambition will remain a pipe-dream because of their continual unprofessional behaviour and stubbornness.


Of course, this minority of people are not solely to blame. We all have played our part there and I take no pleasure from my ow failings. Can the Trust survive this latest shambles?


To that end, instead of going round in circles, I'd like to hear PLG and UCB answer this valid question. How do they plan to recover from a reputation that has never been lower?

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Couple of quick questions as I can't keep up tbh.....


What exactly did the trust spend money on to lose 10k?


And when all this kicked off and legal advice was sought, who footed the bill for that?


The 2010 Trust Accounts show "Professional fees" of �£4,676 (in addition to "Auditors remuneration" of a further �£2,175).


I do believe some (most?) of that figure may have been in regard to investigating whether or not an ownership scheme could have been put together; either in conjunction with the 'McColl' model or perhaps via tweaking of GerSave.


PLG would have to confirm.

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Not sure if I'm allowed to post personal info such as that.


I think boss probably know but suffice to say HHB knows what he's talking about.


No worries.


He knows enough about AGM's, financial statements, auditors etc for me to be reasonably confident he is an accountant (us accountants tend to be able to sniff each other out....)

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Do you know HHB's background?


Yes, but I won't be commenting on them here. Suffice to say that I have the utmost respect for what he has achieved in his professional life.


He is used to dealing at a level some magnitude above the present case in point. There are both positives and negatives when you try to transfer knowledge and skills from one level to another.

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