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Scotsman Uses Sectarian Term to Joke about Pope Visit and Rangers Fans

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I received a fuller email over the weekend from John McLellan and while I disagree with his interpretation of the word, he does seem genuine in his apology and does regret the cartoon.


More interestingly, on the wider point about the singling out of Rangers supporters in the sectarian debate, he has expressed agreement. He also stresses that 'extremist' elements in parts of the debate have led us to a situation where humour is something that can now only be expressed behind closed doors between consenting adults and that too should be a matter of regret.


I think that is a fair comment but I've gone back to him asking just who is responsible for these negative facets of the debate and that the Scotsman should be leading the way in finding out why millions of pounds of tax-payers money has been wasted in that regard instead of publishing unhelpful cartoons.


In saying that, I think the editor of one of Scotland's most popular newspapers suggesting bias does exist against our club is something worth highlighting.



Edited by Frankie
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If John McLellan wishes to bring parity to the sectarian debate, he can start with the publication that he Edits. An objective glimpse of the produce of Tom English, Martin Hannan, Aidan Smith, Simon Pia, Glenn Gibbons, ................................ etc over the last few years would lead to the conclusion that his fellow Bears should at least be allowed to participate in the debate. It seems the host of above writers are allowed to perpetuate their warped views of our club and support, with impunity.


The Scotsman forums are particularly one sided in any debate involving Rangers. The fantasist, Phil McGillivan(BoscoBhoy in Letterkenny) is a daily contributor, often openly boasting about his contacts with fellow 'Irish'(Phil was born'n'bred in Baillieston) hacks on the publication.


It's all about language, if you accept, or are forced to accept the language(ie terms and termonology) of your opponent, then you have lost said debate before participation.

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There's no doubt some of those names are guilty parties when it comes to imbalance so I'll be interested to hear what McLellan thinks about such people.


As for taking part in debates, Rangers fans don't involve themselves enough in many such areas although it can also be said that perhaps our comments are edited before we even get the chance to... :(

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