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Evander Sno suffers heart attack

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Clubs should be made to do more stringent tests on their players. This happens all to often in a time and age when medical equipment can find the problems before they get serious.


Prevention over cure.


Hope he makes a full recovery.

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Hope he makes a full recovery obviously, shocking stuff.


Players will I'm sure have had ECGs and ECGs under stress, so they should show up any abnormalities which may put someone at an increased risk of heart failure. The club and player will insist on it for their insurances I'm sure, I've had to provide ECGs to enter some races I've done and that's at a (very) amateur level. I did read somewhere that the heart is an area where we're still learning a lot about it and about more abnormalities all the time, I'm guessing due to advances in screening.


Its scary stuff though when you see professional athletes keeling over.

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The fact is guy's that unless there is cause for concern you can't send everyone for heart check-ups taking up precious hospital time with healthy people. From what i know is that a heart-attack produces a gas in your body and that is what shows up on heart equipment. If you have had no heart attack then there is no Gas. There is no machine in the world to measure what has not happened.

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