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what happens when murray goes?

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Indeed, and i remember hearing/reading the club is worth somewhere in the region of �£66m today.


Fck me we paid 12mill for Flo how can you buy the whole club for 6 mill. At that time we were not even in debt i believe.

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No way .


I hate all these fans that call him " Minty " etc ,,


Mr Murray has got the club to where we are the day , and to be able to do that is something i admire the Legend for.


And when " Mr Murray " does sell the club , he will not sell it to some dickhead who will only see Rangers Football Club as a money earner , he will sell it to someone who will have the heart in the job and have love for the club.


If you don't believe 'Mr Murray' has made money from Rangers FC then you are even more naiive than I though, Dunn.


Can I ask you where exactly we (the club) are today? Are we any better off than when Murray took control in 1989 after buying the club for �£6million the previous year? Be honest.


Murray deserves a lot of credit for helping deliver 9iar. His undoubted business acumen and unmatched charisma also helped secure signings such as Gascoigne and Laudrup. We also have the chairman to thank for improving the stadium further and our training centre. For these positive contributions I hope he is rightly remembered in a positive fashion. But he didn't deliver then alone - if it wasn't for OUR money it wouldn't have happened.


What also shouldn't be confused here is the negative part of his tenure. Various parts of the club (from the car park, to the retail, to the catering) have been sold off in distasteful fashions sometimes to his own external companies. Indeed, making him and his companies a lot of money in the process.


More importantly we lost a huge march on Celtic who in the early-mid 90s almost went bankrupt and were languishing behind us in 4th place in the SPL and with a decrepit stadium. Now, they have 10,000 extra seats than us and their board apparently more ambitious in their pursuit of European consistency. Add to that Murray's dreadful media stance and his cave in to UEFA (and our other enemies) his recent years certainly don't match his initial successes.


David Murray will always be remembered by Rangers fans. However, his chairmanship will be the source of many arguments between bears and it's arguably not one that anyone can win right now. He has got the club back towards a more even keel financially by being prudent so some (as I will) will refrain from making premature judgements either way.


With a bit of luck that will ensure we can gain our rightful place back as Scotland's most successful club side in the next few years and beyond. However, to say we are in a position that is worth admiring isn't quite the full story and a very empirical statement to make.


In time, Murray's reign will be able to be judged better. If he can finish it how he started, then he might be judged a success. However, if it continues in the same inconsistent and impotent manner as it has in the last 5 years then his admirers may just be a lot fewer than some would care to admit.


At the minute I'd argue no-one is right when they try to judge DM. As such, I think we'd all be better served keeping an open mind on the matter until he does go. Then we can weigh up all the positives/negatives as well as decide if he has sold the club to a person(s) suitable for our great club.

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I think the guy David King(?) is the best bet. I don't know if he has the money but he certainly has Rangers in his heart.

Murray bought it for 6mill i believe, what a steal that was.



Might be wrong Pete but I believe that David King has had his assets frozen - am sure he is subject to some investigation in South Africa (I think it is tax evasion charges).


So not sure how viable David King would be.


Tom Hunter would be a good bet but as has been said before, it doesn't appear that he is interested or has more than enough on his plate right now.

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i dont think murray's gonna go anytime soon...he clearly enjoys the profile the chairmanship of Rangers gives him and he's still a relatively young man so we can look forward to many more years of smoke and mirrors...


Mate, he's already said the club is for sale and in that regard he won't be here more than 3 years IMO.

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