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Rangers fans wanted to join online football game

Guest Jaguar76

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Guest Jaguar76

I�m looking for Gers fans to become managers and join the Xpert Eleven online fantasy football league set up especially for fans of SPL and Division 1-3 clubs to compete against each other.


You manage a team of up to 20 players, select formations, train, buy and sell players, make press releases etc and play 2 games per week.


Xpert Eleven is completely FREE to play, there are no fees or subscriptions, no catches. Our aim is to make this the league of choice for Scottish fans playing Xpert Eleven.


The Scottish League will see fans from Scottish clubs compete for the overall title and league trophy. Up to now it�s been operating with teams from just a few clubs but we want to expand it to involve all Scottish clubs.


To join follow the link below and register


Then apply to join league ID 143049 which is the Scottish League.


This message has been posted on just about every SPL and Div 1-3 fan forum we could find so expect there to be a lot of friendly rivalry going on and we�d like a few Rangers fans in there competing.


If you already play Xpert Eleven, feel free to join anyway or send this link to friends, colleagues and rivals or post elsewhere on relevant fan forums.


The new season starts on 6 August when you will be assigned a division so there won�t be a lot of activity until nearer the time but arrange a friendly with a few teams in the meantime to get a feel for the game.


We hope to see you there. Be warned, this is highly addictive but we guarantee you will enjoy it.

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