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We'll have to wait an see who leaves, but if Weir & Broadfoot both stay we're probably ok in central defense. If Bougherra leaves for decent money obviously Walter might consider replacing him, but perhaps not with Webster being back now. I doubt we'll replace Stevie Smith, since we have Wylde.


Personally, I think Walter should be concentrating on finding a couple of quality wingers and a goal-scoring striker, so effectively replacing Boyd, Novo & Beasley.

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Guest Flying Hippo

Wilson could feasibly start the season as our 4th choice centre half. If he doesn't knuckle down and show commitment he could end up playing for someone like Motherwell instead of Liverpool

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Wilson could feasibly start the season as our 4th choice centre half. If he doesn't knuckle down and show commitment he could end up playing for someone like Motherwell instead of Liverpool


I'm sure like any footballer he's capable of being professional if he stays and giving us his all. His commitment is poor in that he clearly wants away, but if he stays then here's hoping he will perform as he has.

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