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Could have been a different second half if the US had scored their goal in the first. Slovenia looked like they weren't bothered about losing in the second half, because as it stood, they were in a qualifying position.


They paid for it big time.

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Felt really sorry for the Serbians going out to the Aussies. Imagine beating Germany and ending up going out. :( I didn't see the game, but they appeared to create a lot of chances going by the highlights, which makes ol' 'Arry Redknapp's patter about them being 'poor' and 'got what they deserved' sound like a lot of shite. The old tosser obviously didn't realize what that would sound like to all the people watching who've been subjected to watching a really poor side playing in England shirts. I mean to me, the Serbs looked like a better team than any of the ones in England's group. I better shut it before this turns into a full-on rant. :whistle:

Edited by Zappa
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