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Rangers FC no longer for sale

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I don't think anyone has a problem? :confused:


By the same token, people don't have to respond to every single post and I think the one you quoted has been discussed broadly above N_L while not being strictly referred to/quoted...

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I can see several attractions for any businessman buying Rangers at the moment. The club are a veritable bargain right now, with debt free ownership handed over for a reputed, paltry Ã?£33M. What other large, successful clubs in Europe could be snapped up for such a low fee? In fact, that’s why I think if fans want ownership, they should certainly go for it now.


Not only will Rangers likely never be cheaper to buy, once some investment is put in and the shackles of debt gone and if the club get on a good financial footing and continue to be successful domestically, then stock is set to rise, giving any owners a handsome profit.


A debt-free, financially stable and successful Rangers must be worth at least �£50-60M. The main caveat (or even caveat emptor) is the European marginalisation of Scottish football due to TV money and the external investment which that former finance attracts. The resulting future difficulty of qualifying for the Champions League is a blow to the finances of the club and will be reflected in its future value.


So what else does a prospective owner gain from ownership of Rangers? I think there is a massive two fold attraction in owning our club for a very rich and egotistical man. There is a current fashion for multimillionaires or billionaires to own a football club as a plaything, a hobby, a business far more glamorous and less dull than the dry, day to day grind of the game of making money in most companies.


Some on the rich list collect art, or sponsor plays, or get into movie producing; some buy sports clubs be it football, basketball or baseball etc.


As Frankie recently said, with a big club that wins trophies most seasons and perpetually qualifies for Europe, “there is fun to be had” at Rangers - possibly a lot more fun than buying a middling EPL club and for a lot less money. It could be the multimillionaire’s choice rather than the billionaire’s: the guy who buys a Ferrari but can’t or won’t stretch to a Bugatti.


Buying a Premiership club brings glamour and lets you rub shoulders with the big boys’ club, but where’s the fun when every other season you’re constantly looking over your shoulder at the relegation zone and on a good season finish about 8th having endured a few drubbings from the big four?


At Rangers you get a 5 star, 51,000 seater stadium almost full every fortnight with passionate fans – that’s a great start to get the pulse going. You get a 137 year old club with an amazing history demonstrated by a trophy room few clubs can compete with. You get a piece of the Scottish establishment, a club whose importance regularly gets it on the front pages of the newspapers while dominating the back pages. This is in a country where newspapers are most often read backwards! And remember, Glasgow is still in the UK, not some developing country like Turkey or Romania, or for English speaking businessmen, a poorer EC country with a difficult language rarely used elsewhere like Portugal, Greece or Czech Republic.


You can even base yourself in London and not have to remember to take your passport to watch a game – or even worry about TV coverage as long as you have a Sky satellite dish.


But all that leads to the biggest prize of all for a rich man with a huge ego to stroke – the fame and celebrity. The likes of Ellis are known in certain circles but how many in Scotland had heard of him? As owner of Rangers he would be catapulted into the public eye – at least for 5M people. His name would be known to everyone – in fact he’s pretty well known right now for just window shopping. His view would be sought by journalists and commentators every week and his prestige while doing business would be fantastically enhanced.


He would no longer be Ellis the property developer; he would be the celebrity owner of the biggest football club in Scotland. People would be queuing to shake his hand and associate themselves with him. Business meetings can be done with the prelude of corporate hospitality at a game, after sitting next to the chairman in the director’s box, with the meeting itself conducted in the salubrious Blue Room.


It would not only be good for his business, but imagine the stroking of his ego. Imagine any self important, narcissism being constantly massaged. Instead of being a rich businessman that few know, he suddenly becomes a “somebody” who even gets “papped” on occasion while going for meals at classy places where tables are always available for him, and where everyone looks round, points and whispers when he walks in.


Unfortunately it’s only an attraction for an egotistical extrovert – which is why you won’t see Joe Lewis taking it up. I think that’s what attracted SDM and I think it will be the most likely attraction for a new owner.


Now if Ellis fits the bill for all of the above then the piece de resistance for this deal in particular - for a property developer of all people, is a vast area of incredibly cheap, prime real estate on the banks of the Clyde, just down from the city centre, with an iconic stadium at its heart which is ripe for huge development and has implicit planning permission for some impressive urban regeneration.


When you put all the pieces together, I think it’s very hard to see why a football loving guy like Ellis wouldn’t be very interested in the mighty Rangers FC.

Edited by calscot
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Guest Northampton_loyalist
I don't think anyone has a problem? :confused:


By the same token, people don't have to respond to every single post and I think the one you quoted has been discussed broadly above N_L while not being strictly referred to/quoted...


Absolutely. I tend to work on the basis that if I put something out for debate, it is at least polite to pass comment on any replies, particularly if I have spent time moaning about a lack of debate.


I was seriously interested in MF's points further in the debate though, I felt I had addressed some of his concerns and wanted to see if he had further points to elaborate. THAT is debate. making a point, seeing a reply and leaving it removes the need for a messageboard, you would be as well posting your thoughts on a blog.

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in the next rangers accounts the debt will be 23 million


@kevinthomson8 No it won't unless we sell a player or two in the next 28 days.


@calscot The man who brought MF and NL together in thanks. :thup:

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Great post, Cal!


I'll be ripping that for the website! :)


Feel free - it's always flattering to have a post published on the main site. :)


PS I may leave you to think of the headline; you're always much better than me at thinking up a good line.

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