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So, after the initial optimism that something concrete was afoot, we seem to be back to square one. Ho hum, at least the cricket season is now in full swing....


I've always wanted to get into cricket. The idea of a sport you can drink at sounds amazing :spl:

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I've always wanted to get into cricket. The idea of a sport you can drink at sounds amazing :spl:


Move to England and you can drink at the footy - had a few sessions in the Emirates watching Arsenal......

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Move to England and you can drink at the footy - had a few sessions in the Emirates watching Arsenal......


Actually I mind when we went down to see Brum I could drink. I got to the wee bit and said "Is that whiskey, you can buy and drink now?" They were like "Uhm, yes?" It was amazing. I was so drunk though and hadn't been to sleep for a few nights. Good times! :spl:

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All this talk about 'he just says things are bollox' versus 'he brings energy to the debate' is just sidetracking the thread. I just think discussions about discussions are no use and end up going round in circles. I was just asking people to stop commenting on, critising and defending a poster's style rather than discusing the topic at hand. No warnings, just a simple request that we just stick to the football and leave all this focus on personalities behind, or keep it for another thread. There are rules we all vaguely abide by and that should be enough. :) I know you see the evil hand of authority everywhere, but I wouldn't have expected you of all people to find much to object to in that sentiment ;)


Generally, I am the evil hand of authority, which is probably why I've little enough time for other hands. However, you will find that I tend to respond rather than ignite these contretemps.


I'm entirely cool with your sentiment, now I see what it is. I'd go so far as to say it is not bollocks.

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Wabash's champion asking someone to speak concisely and clearly???


You see, my point entirely. Here's someone who should know a whole lot better, throwing daft wee barbs around, trying to spark a reaction. Despite being admin however, this one isn't worth the effort.:)

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Clearly you've missed the point, but I can't say i'm suprised.


Until such time as there is an outcome you cant state who was right and who was wrong. Simple. So Wabash's default "it's all lies" cannot be proven correct until there is a definite outcome either way.


Some explain it to him please.

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So, after the initial optimism that something concrete was afoot, we seem to be back to square one. Ho hum, at least the cricket season is now in full swing....


My favourite game, even above footy. Norris is your man for the cricket though. Probably draped in his whites as I type. And is there better entertainment than TMS, which has been on great form today.

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I don't quite understand why the information provided is looking less and less credible by the day when at no point did sccgers or the separate source state when the completed deal would be announced.


Feel free to bump and moan if a suitable amount of time (its only been 3 days, not a week as was suggested above) has elapsed.


PS - Wabash likes to make out he has moles on FF who feed him information when really he's just hiding over there under a false name. Incredibly brave :D

Edited by OnlyOneAmoruso
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