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Rangers FC no longer for sale

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What site would that be I wonder? :flipa:


You and wabash are quite the little tag team on here, I'm enjoying it, but not quite as much as I'll be enjoying it in the very near future :whistle:


So it IS about the glory after all. Good for you pal, I'll even shine your trumpet for you and slap your back so you don't have to.


But if you take a moment to read instead of spout, you'll see that my own advice was actually for everyone just to wait and see what happens.


Btw, it was sites.

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There is no official stance apparently.


Their unofficial stance is another matter and it doesn't appear to favour Ellis in anyway.


Of course not, they're probably still pushing Duffy as the only show in town.... silently.:)

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As sure as it's Saturday you can guarantee if something is being said on RM it'll be, as you so wonderfully put it, 'bollox'


Suck wants to believe the info is suspect and thats entirely his prerogative.


See you in the rosie :D




Come over and say hello I will be sitting with McColl...:devil:



Ps....on a less confrontational note, no one wants to believe anything to do with the betterment of the club is bollox, but there have been to many false dawns full of unsubstantiated hope to get excited about anything, when Murray the great Poobah decides that will be when we know for definite, but knowing Minty maybe not. Don't worry son, us auld yins always get the first round in...:spl:

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Is it due to the inability to provide any feasible and reasonable argument that you two feel the need to throw in patronising nicknames? Regardless, I enjoy them :D


Not about the glory, if you'll notice I haven't taken the lead here or on FF despite hearing all information at the same time as others.

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Hiding?????????? your information, like your information with regard to the done deal is as I say "bollox". incredibly brave ? what is it the Gulf War The Falklands, I have seen and faced real bullets son, I really don't need you to demean brave men on an internet board. I must drop the hint next time I am in the Rosie that ooa has the inside track on the board remit, even Suck reckons your info is suspect, it might ring a bell.....there again you super fans with the inside track, is there no end to your exclusives....or rather no beginning.....:devil:


I shall now go and post on RM for a few minutes, general consensus there is also that the attention seekers info is bollox, NL hasn't dropped by for a while GLC has been missing him, maybe the RM dudes aint as gullable as you son....:giruy:


That might not be a wise move given he and a few chums have spent many a night lately holed up in the Neptune going over Ellis's detailed proposal document which was hand delivered by a courier, but you would know that wouldn't you :giruy::giruy:

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That might not be a wise move given he and a few chums have spent many a night lately holed up in the Neptune going over Ellis's detailed proposal document which was hand delivered by a courier, but you would know that wouldn't you :giruy::giruy:


Shhhhhh don't mention the war!

Edited by OnlyOneAmoruso
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That might not be a wise move given he and a few chums have spent many a night lately holed up in the Neptune going over Ellis's detailed proposal document which was hand delivered by a courier, but you would know that wouldn't you :giruy::giruy:


Of course I wouldn't I gave up reading comics as a kid, you know how I disaprove of uber fans withholding inside information from us plebs, however some of us plebs have people of our own, at least I posted Gilmours number up as a check on alleged leaked info.....I think you are going to need a bigger shovel soon....either to dig yourself out or dig deeper.

Incidentally you never did say whither the deal is going to happen with Ellis or not, my cards are on the table, yours appear to be unsure, not really committing just waiting to see how the wind blows, being unsure is good, jumping on a bandwagon after the event is fairweather opinion.....:devil:

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Despite the evil on every side, I'm going to risk digressing ahead here.


Bumble is indeed the man, a prince among commentators and madmen... but they're all great ... the urbane Blowers and Geoffrey reminding us what a spade is called. If anyone ever asks what it means to be British, I tell them to spend five days listening to TMS.:)


What's TMS?

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