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RFC Battle Royale - Questions Beat Answers To Death

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I can exclusively reveal that Answers have tragically been killed by Questions in the Battle Royale at RFC.


An inside source who witnessed the bloody affair told me he was 'utterly shocked at the tragic outcome' and that 'Questions literally beat Answers to death in a bloody one-sided power struggle'.


The source continued - 'Answers came out fighting and initially looked like a contender, but Questions never looked phased'.


When asked if Answers had at least put up a good fight, the insider replied that 'Answers always looked like the weaker of the two' and that 'It was definitely a one-sided battle'.


He went on to say that he 'was shocked that the fight hadn't been a fair one, had been so one-sided' and was 'disgusted that Questions had been allowed to beat Answers to a bloody pulp'.


The source continued - 'Nobody wants to see death in sport and for Questions to be allowed to virtually murder Answers in this fight is the saddest thing I've ever witnessed'.


When asked why he thought it had been allowed to happen he commented that 'It's just the way it seems to be here at the moment, the powers that be planned a one-sided contest & they got it, blood and all. It's tragic.'


RIP Answers. Condolences go out to everyone who loves you.



Edited by Zappa
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