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RFC - Time for clarity no ifs no buts

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I called for a club statement as to the state of play regards the takeover, alleged or otherwise and was told that the club had said all they could, plus were hamstrung by takeover rules. However it seems every source in the land from Ellis to redtop rags can say what they like with impunity, on matters relating to the alleged take over.


It is good to see that other sites are now calling for a club statement after the nonsense printed in the last 24 hours, this will only be achieved by concerted pressure, for my part I will be on the blower at 9 o'clock to the Rangers press office asking for that clarity, as I said before thousands of calls sending their switchboard into meltdown might get the message across to the club.............. or is there a reason why the club directors appear unwilling to fight our corner ?

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Rangers have already commented on the tax issue if I'm not mistaken?


Fair enough a bit of further information wouldn't go amiss but I thought you thought it was nonsense?

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Rangers have already commented on the tax issue if I'm not mistaken?


Fair enough a bit of further information wouldn't go amiss but I thought you thought it was nonsense?


Whither I know it to be nonsense or think it to be nonsense is of little consequence in the grand scheme of things, the name of the club is being dragged through the mud by every fekin low life journo with a pencil.


I was taught to defend myself and that dear to me from an early age, if the club wont defend itself we are going to have to do it for them.

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The club have already deferred it to them that's why.


Of course they can (and probably should) do more but I'm not sure what else they can say. Perhaps they'll give you a clearer answer when you call later.



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Whither I know it to be nonsense or think it to be nonsense is of little consequence in the grand scheme of things, the name of the club is being dragged through the mud by every fekin low life journo with a pencil.


I was taught to defend myself and that dear to me from an early age, if the club wont defend itself we are going to have to do it for them.


It's been going on every day for the last ten years at least. To begin with, most supporters refused to acknowledge it but it was certainly going on.


At no time during those years has the club ever really been prepared to defend its reputation or to challenge the endless bullshit thrown in our direction. Well now, whether anyone thinks it or knows it, the club IS in a one hell of a mess and I'm beginning to think that the time for the club's directors to discover leadership is long past. Isn't it just the truth that we've suffered some of the most inadequate directors in the club's history, including Sir Blowhard. Whether we owe the taxman �£5 million or �£50 million, it won't change the actions of liars like Phil McGillivan and it will take more than the muppets in charge of Rangers to deal with it. Frankly, I've got more faith in a cabbage to run/own Rangers than the people we've got now.

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The club have already deferred it to them that's why.


Of course they can (and probably should) do more but I'm not sure what else they can say. Perhaps they'll give you a clearer answer when you call later.




I know what their answer will be Frankie, but at least I will have registered my disgust at the total lack of leadership, how about you and the thousands of others who could make the call also.

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