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From sccgers on FF re takeover and transfers

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If you need any further help in ascertaining the crock of shit that masquerades as an interest from Ellis do not hesitate to let me know, or you could have a further update from NL after all you can vouch for him.

Ellis will be wiping his arse with sandpaper before he produces a letter of intent from anyone, and Murray in particular.


that still does not answer the question, but that's not a first for you. You still have not shown that Ellis is "unable" to produce the letter. The fact that he has not done so yet proves nothing.


Not sure why you have this fixation with NL. All he has done is pass on information that is so general that it makes it meaningless.


BTW, here's a little snippet for you. Muir gave King a thumbs up yesterday. Make of that what you will. :fish:

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that still does not answer the question, but that's not a first for you. You still have not shown that Ellis is "unable" to produce the letter. The fact that he has not done so yet proves nothing.


Not sure why you have this fixation with NL. All he has done is pass on information that is so general that it makes it meaningless.


BTW, here's a little snippet for you. Muir gave King a thumbs up yesterday. Make of that what you will. :fish:


Furfuxsake he's for the broth pot.....:fish:


Contrary to popular belief- the thumbs up gesture did not spare a gladiator's life in Ancient Rome. A plebeian's pointed thumb or pollice verso (whether the thumb was pointed up, down, or somewhere in between we don't know) meant the combatant was to be slain. A hidden thumb, folded out of sight, or the pollice compresso meant he was to be spared. The famous scene in "Spartacus", where the Emperor signals a warriors life would be spared by the upturned thumb, was flawed by mistranslation through the ages.


PS have aread of the part in front of unable....:)

Edited by wabashcannonball
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Ellis has informally said he will make an offer in 3-4 weeks so I assume that is when we'll see his letter of intent.




I haven't seen Ellis say anything, but a spokesman claimed on the 14th of March that Ellis would likely complete in 3 weeks..i.e. about April 7th. I think he may have meant April 1st.



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Still didn't answer the question.......


Bluedell help me out here, "On the matter of the Andrew Ellis takeover, the fans� delegation were told that proof of funding had still to be shown, and left the meeting with the impression that deal was going nowhere fast."


Do you still need "the question" answered, or are we to believe that a guy, who allegedly has not provided any proof of funding was handed Rangers books, for the mysterious due diligence, which has never been confirmed by any authoritive source to have taken place.....:)












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Bluedell help me out here, "On the matter of the Andrew Ellis takeover, the fans� delegation were told that proof of funding had still to be shown, and left the meeting with the impression that deal was going nowhere fast."


Do you still need "the question" answered, or are we to believe that a guy, who allegedly has not provided any proof of funding was handed Rangers books, for the mysterious due diligence, which has never been confirmed by any authoritive source to have taken place.....:)




I have absolutely no inside track and don't know where this is heading .... but If I were a betting man I would be backing Mr Cannonball's interpretation right now. If Mr Ellis had been capable of calling any shots, they would long ago have been called - but that wouldn't have suited Murray at all. It has all the hallmarks of a useful diversion that was never meant to go anywhere.

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