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What do YOU want from a new owner?

Guest Northampton_loyalist

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Guest Northampton_loyalist

If people were going to create a charter for the average fan, detailing the requirements and ground rules for ANY new owner of Rangers, what would you want to see included? Specifics are probably not a good idea, just a set of values that should be adhered to, something for potential owners to measure themselves against.

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Ambitionis a really massive one for me , you cannot always be the best but you can always strive to that aim .


With our limited financial market we must make better use of our facillities at Murray park and more importantly get a proper scouting net work in place , I have been a supporter ever since I can remember and this has never been addressed , the scatter gun approach just doesn't work and you cannot continually rely on picking up the odd bargain from teams that we play in Europe who may be in a worse financial mess .


Also marketing has been a massive dissappointment under Murray's reign , for a team of our stature to have the strips and merchandise we do is really appalling , no one will convince me that we shouldn't be with Adidas or Nike .

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'Ambition' is a very open concept. Too open in this case because it's all fine and well someone coming in and telling us they have ambition, but without laying down some solid plans it's simply a word and their ambition could be nothing more than intent to make plans, which is a far cry from actually having them. IMO, 'ambition' as a core value is likely to be easily broken which would in turn break others mentioned such as honesty and openness. I'm not saying a new owner shouldn't have any ambition, far from it. What I'm saying is that ambition is empty, is nothing if not backed with something tangible such as realistic and achievable plans.

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Can't add much to the initial replies but it is good to see a more pro-active thread amongst the chaff elsewhere...


This is what the Assembly and Trust in particular should be doing to aid their case for being involved with any potential buyer - or even the existing owner.


Instead their motives and intentions appear to be as unclear and inconsistent as the buyers they back.


In the haste to criticise the club and those who want to buy, we're forgetting just how imperfect WE are as well.

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