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Beasley fears Ibrox departure

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Guest Flying Hippo

He clearly has no ambition whatsoever if he'd take a pay cut to stay at a club where he plays about 12 games a season

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Guest Flying Hippo

He's been a massive disappointment, though many tend to point the finger of blame at his manager for not picking him enough


Just when you thought he'd turned the corner with his goals against Dundee Utd and Motherwell, he picks up an injury and is out for 2 months. He cannot be relied upon and he wouldn't be offered a contract even if Ellis took over imo

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He's been a massive disappointment, though many tend to point the finger of blame at his manager for not picking him enough


Often the excuse for our fans when trying to deflect criticism of their favourite player. Not an attack at you, just an observation of our online support.

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If he could stay injury free for 5 minutes he'd be worth holding onto as he did show in December some good form. But his body clearly cannot tolerate the rough and tumble of the SPL and he gets injured far too often.


So it's probably best for him to leave.


The reason he wants to stay is he's clearly quite happy in Scotland, and settled here. Nothing wrong with that, even if his football career is struggling.

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If he'd been injury free and had a good season then I doubt he'd be thinking about staying even if we were desperate to keep him - he'd be touting himself to the premiership and looking for a bumper pay-day.

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He clearly has no ambition whatsoever if he'd take a pay cut to stay at a club where he plays about 12 games a season


It's the biggest club he has played for and ever likely to play for :)

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